The Progressive


A project of Common Dreams

For Immediate Release

Mary Bottari at (608) 260-9713 or

Bankster Alert! Tell Congress: No Cuts. Tax Wall Street

Tell Congress there's a sensible tax on Wall Street that would help solve our budget problems.

When reckless trading on Wall Street crashed the global economy, American taxpayers bailed out the big banks to the tune of $4.7 trillion. That is trillion with a "T".


Tell Congress there's a sensible tax on Wall Street that would help solve our budget problems.

When reckless trading on Wall Street crashed the global economy, American taxpayers bailed out the big banks to the tune of $4.7 trillion. That is trillion with a "T".

Today, Wall Street is booming. Goldman Sachs, Morgan Chase, and Wells Fargo executives are earning just as much as they did before the financial crisis. In 2010, the CEOs of these three banks made $52 million dollars combined.

Yet on Main Street family incomes are tanking, job creation has stalled, and 42 million people are living in poverty, more than at any other time in the last 50 years.

We have done our part, now it's time for Wall Street to do more - through a tiny sales tax on each Wall Street trade called a financial transaction tax.

Right now Congress is considering huge cuts to Medicare and Social Security as well as other important programs in health, education and housing.

Enough is enough! We know where the money is. A tiny tax on financial services can generate billions of dollars.

Join the Americans for Financial Reform, the AFL-CIO, SEIU, Demos, Public Citizen, Jobs with Justice, the National Nurses United, National People's Action and the other groups saying:

It's time for Wall Street to start Paying US Back!


The Center for Media and Democracy (CMD) is a non-profit investigative reporting group. Our reporting and analysis focus on exposing corporate spin and government propaganda. We publish PRWatch, SourceWatch, and BanksterUSA. Our newest major investigation is available at We accept no funding from for-profit corporations or the government. If you would like to make a financial contribution to support our work, please click here.