The Progressive


A project of Common Dreams

For Immediate Release

Blair FitzGibbon, 202-503-6141

CREDO Slams Mark Zuckerberg for Anti-Environmental Ads


Following the news that Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg and his new advocacy group FWD.US are funding anti-environment ads, including one from Republican operatives praising Sen. Lindsay Graham for supporting the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline, CREDO is launching a multi-tiered campaign urging Zuckerberg to pull the ads. CREDO created a Facebook graphic that has been shared 6,098 times which says: Hey Zuck, pull your ads supporting Keystone XL.

CREDO also placed ads on Facebook educating Facebook users about the CEO's support of an organization running pro-Keystone XL television commercials. But the company rejected CREDO's ads mentioning Mark Zuckerburg on the basis that they violated Facebook trademarks. Based on communications from the social networking company it appears that it's impossible to run an ad educating users about its CEO's political activities.

"The people on Facebook who made Mark Zuckerberg a billionaire need to know that he is using his fortune to bankroll pro-Keystone XL propaganda," said Becky Bond, CREDO's Political Director. "And if Facebook is giving up ad revenue in order to protect the CEO from public scrutiny of his private political giving, then that's something that both users, employees and shareholders absolutely need to know."

CREDO is also joining a protest led by this Wednesday at Facebook HQ. At the protest, CREDO activists will deliver a petition signed by over 18,000 people calling on Zuckerberg to stop funding the ads. Benjamin Simon, former Democratic and OFA strategist, started the petition on CREDO's member-generated petition site.

Statement from Benjamin Simon:
"FWD.US's goal of comprehensive immigration reform is a laudable one. They shouldn't detract from it with a cynical -- and bizarre -- strategy of also supporting initiatives that will destroy our planet."
Read the petition here:

Also worth noting, CREDO recently launched a campaign calling on activists to pledge to risk arrest if President Obama moves forward with a plan to approve the Keystone XL pipeline. Nearly 60,000 people who have signed the pledge to risk arrest in peaceful dignified civil disobedience in their local communities, in front of OFA meetings, State Department offices, TransCanada's corporate lobbies, banks that are financing tar sands oil development, areas ravaged by Hurricane Sandy and along the pipeline route.

Read more about CREDO's pledge here:

CREDO Action, part of CREDO Mobile, is a social change network of over five million activists, sending tens of millions of petition signatures and hundreds of thousands of phone calls to decision-makers each year. CREDO Action members also participate in meetings, protests and other direct action for progressive change.