The Progressive


A project of Common Dreams

For Immediate Release
Contact:, 484-788-2188

Progressives Launch Ad Calling On Texas Governor To Resign Over Energy Crisis

Justice Democrats' sister organization, Organize For Justice,


Justice Democrats' sister organization, Organize For Justice, launched a digital ad criticizing Texas Governor Greg Abbott for prioritizing the bottom lines of Big Oil and utility companies over his constituents as millions of Texans went without power, water, and heat amid freezing temperatures. Instead of talking about the need to upgrade Texas' energy infrastructure, Governor Abbott turned to Fox News to spew lies about the Green New Deal and wind and solar energy.

"Abbott and Texas Republicans are lining their pockets with fossil fuel money to keep us from upgrading our infrastructure, leaving Texans out in the cold," the ad says. "Abbott protected his pockets over constituents. It's time for him to resign."

The ad calls for Texas Republicans and Governor Abbott to be held accountable for the deregulation and privatization of Texas's energy grid.

"End the lies-for-profits games, upgrade our infrastructure, and create millions of Green New Deal jobs," the ad says.

Justice Democrats is recruiting and supporting progressive Democrats all over the country, starting with Congress. We're working to transform the Democratic Party while building independent power. We do this by running primary challengers against out-of-touch Democratic incumbents and organizing to hold the party accountable to our issues.

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