The Progressive


A project of Common Dreams

For Immediate Release

Steve Carpinelli, 202-481-1225
Rachel Hamrick, 202-261-2386

CPI Report Uncovers Culture of Indifference and Leniency Surrounding Sexual Assault on College Campuses Around the Country

Weak Punishments, Repeat Offenders, and Minimal Oversight Compound Victimization


On Wednesday, February 24th, the Center for Public Integrity will host
a press call to release a report on the culture of indifference
surrounding sexual assault on college campuses across the country. The
report is the second installment of stories spawning from a 12-month
investigation that uncovered a host of institutional problems
surrounding alleged sexual assaults, and how they are handled by school
and federal administrations. Speakers, including the mother of a female
student featured in the series, will discuss the leniency afforded to
those found responsible, the role of repeat offenders on college
campuses, and the Department of Education's track record of enforcement.

The Center's investigation examines Justice Department data and other information and
discovers that "responsible" findings rarely lead to tough punishments
like expulsion-even in cases involving alleged repeat offenders. The
report also reviews the Department of Education's Office for Civil
Rights' track record of enforcing Title IX and finds that only a small number of alleged botched school proceedings are investigated.

WHAT: CPI Hosts a Press Call Release on the Second Installment of an Eye Opening Report on Campus Sexual Assault

WHO: Bill Buzenberg, executive director of the Center for Public Integrity

Kristen Lombardi, lead reporter from the Center for Public Integrity

Laura Frank, director of the Rocky Mountain Investigative News Network

Eva, mother of a former Indiana University student featured in the Campus Assault series

WHEN: Wednesday, February 24th at 1 PM EST

HOW: Number: 800-895-0231, Conference ID: CAMPUS

The Center interviewed 50 experts
familiar with the college disciplinary process - student affairs
administrators, conduct hearing officers, assault services directors,
and victim advocates-as well as 33 female students who reported being
sexually assaulted by other college students. The Center has also
surveyed 152 crisis-services programs and clinics on or near college
campuses over the past academic year. The inquiry included a review of
records in select cases, and examinations of 10 years worth of
complaints filed against institutions with the Education Department
under Title IX and the Clery Act - two laws requiring schools to
respond to assault claims and to offer key rights to alleged victims.

Lead reporter Kristen Lombardi is an
award-winning journalist who has worked for the Center for Public
Integrity since 2007. She has been a journalist for more than 14years. Most
recently, she was a staff writer and investigative reporter at The
Village Voice, where she provided groundbreaking coverage of the 9/11
health crisis. Her investigative reporting has been
honored by the Society of Environmental Journalists, the Association of
Alternative Newsweeklies, and the New England Press Association, and
she was awarded a fellowship from the Dart Center for Journalism and
Trauma for her coverage of abuse.

The Center for Public Integrity is a nonprofit organization dedicated to producing original, responsible investigative journalism on issues of public concern. The Center is non-partisan and non-advocacy. We are committed to transparent and comprehensive reporting both in the United States and around the world.