Rights & Justice
War & Peace
Japanese Americans join other kids to say the Pledge of Allegiance days before they are placed in interntment camps during World War ll.

Intuitively Shredding Democracy

Because it's an election year and lying white guys gonna lie, Repubs are feverishly working to cheat their way to power by getting rid of all the pesky "voters," real or imaginary, who don't like them. In their demented campaign for "election integrity," they're hounding "illegals" - who already can't vote and aren't - "busting" Biden for trying to "rig" the election by registering voters, shrieking we're "devolving" into a democracy and otherwise, per Jamie Raskin, mindlessly, scarily "fingerpainting on the Constitution."

Predictably leading the patriotic charge with what Jon Stewart blasts as their "monarchy shit" is crypto-fascist MAGA Mike Johnson, who's been pushing the false narrative of hordes of "illegals" - JFC the ugliness therein - and other poors flooding the voting booth to risk five years in prison, a $10,000 fine and deportation for the infinitesimal gain of voting for the good guys. Thus did Johnson showily announce a redundant Voter Eligibility Legislation requiring proof of citizenship to vote in federal elections - though it's already a felony for a non-citizen to vote, multiple states have mechanisms to validate voters' citizenship, repeated studies show the number of those illegally voting is tiny, and most of them are Republicans, usually seeking to purge minority votes from the rolls. Asked how many migrants were purportedly casting those nefarious votes, Johnson admitted, "The answer is that it's unanswerable - that is the problem." While they've been deliberately "spread out everywhere" by devious Dems, he charged, "We all know intuitively that a lot of illegals are voting in federal elections, but (it's) not been something easily provable." Aka, we have no evidence, but crackpot "truthiness" will win out.

"Here’s an intuition for you,” wrote T.J. Stiles. "People terrified of contact with government because they don’t want their lives destroyed by deportation don’t register to vote illegally and then (vote) for the reward of having a tiny tiny influence on federal electoral outcomes." The acerbic Ted Lieu also chimed in. "I will be introducing a bill to ban elementary school students from voting even though it’s already illegal for them to vote in federal elections," he wrote. "I intuitively know young kids are voting in federal elections but can’t prove it. However my cousin’s friend read it on the Internet." Still, a GOP with only racist fear-mongering on its plate has plowed ahead supported by the windbag, stop-the-steal likes of Texas' Chip Roy blustering, "The most fundamental thing you can do (to) destroy our republic is to undermine faith in elections." R-i-g-h-t. Having wildly inflated the number of migrants - Johnson pegs it at 16 million, while DHS says it's perhaps half that and Trump only claims 3 to 5 million to explain his popular vote loss - he calls rounding up and deporting these unpatriotic, brown-skinned perps "the greatest challenge of our generation" - adding deadpan that to suggest "this is some sort of revenge tour" is "silly."

Also silly: Continuing their unholy crusade, the House just passed an equally pointless Equal Representation Act that would ask about citizenship on and bar non-citizens from the 2030 Census, though SCOTUS has blocked the move as unconstitutional, the Census historicallyundercounts minority communities when apportioning Congressional seats, and the Senate will kill it. The vote prompted a non-sequitur burble from GOP Rep. Glenn Grothman about Ben Franklin's "A republic, if you can keep it" - the fuzzy point something about the Pledge of Allegiance warning against riff raff - which in turn gave us Constitutional law scholar Jamie Raskin, who was "inspired" by Grothman's remarks on the Pledge, which he'd written a paper about it in 6th grade. The Pledge, he noted, was written by an abolitionist Baptist minister upset that Southerners were still saluting the Confederate flag; its core truth, he asserted through a shaggy-dog Ben Franklin story, is that the census includes "the whole number of free persons." "We count everybody," he said. "It's been like that since 1790, and we don't need to start fingerpainting on the Constitution...This is a land that's built on immigration, (a) place of refuge to people seeking freedom (from) oppression. That's who we are."

Or at least these days who we aspire to be, a staunchly racist, increasingly totalitarian GOP notwithstanding. See the response of loathsome Stephen Miller to Democrats blocking the census move. Votes "WILL BE added to areas with the most illegals," he screeched. "Invasion by design." The extent to which a beleaguered GOP now openly leans into its anti-democratic bent can startle. Rachel Maddow just reported on a move by Washington State Repubs to remove from their party platform the word "democracy" - which means your side can lose - for "republic," which evidently precludes that distasteful result. "We are devolving into a democracy," said one fiercely. "Bad idea." Members later incorporated into their platform, "We encourage Republicans to substitute the word 'republic' where we once used 'democracy.' Every time the word democracy is used favorably, it serves to promote the principles of the Democratic party, the principles of which we ardently oppose...We oppose legislation which makes our nation more 'democratic."' Maddow, stunned: "What's going on here?" Fox News' Jesse Watters: We are saving America from Democrats who plan to "rig" the election by encouraging people to vote and counting their votes, so what's your problem?

In a darkly nonsensical segment, he slammed a first-in-the-nationvoter-registration collaboration between the Small Business Administration and Michigan officials, part of a Biden plan asking federal agencies to promote "access to voting." House Repubs' response: "Busting" and subpoenaing officials for possible "improper" efforts "to funnel resources to a key swing state." "Nothing is going right" for a flailing Joe Biden, Watters argues, so he "needs a backup plan: Find more Democrats." Now, they'll come via contact with resources for health care, food stamps, free lunch, even, gasp, homeless people! "Biden is using your tax dollars to register Democrats to vote in the election," he intones, before turning to icky liar Kellyanne Conway. He: "Kellyanne, this looks shady. Is it?" She: "Yes, of course it is." "Biden again is weaponizing (the) federal government (to) undermine democracy and swing an election his way," she rants, just like paying off student debts, "overly persecuting" Trump, inflation, migrants, "everything. Here's what's scary about it. We won't know if all of this works until it's too late, and you see all the shenanigans, the mechanics, the process, the ballot harvesting, the early vote....So many ballots floating out there. It creates chaos." Yup. Democracy = scary. More scary: Fascism. Take your pick.

a Kenyan man walks by an SUV tossed about by floodwaters

Extreme Flooding Creates Nearly Quarter-Million New East African Climate Refugees

The United Nations migration agency warned Wednesday that extreme flooding caused by weeks of torrential rain has triggered widespread displacement in half a dozen East African countries, with hundreds of thousands of people affected and more than 200,000 displaced over the past five days alone.

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) said that more than 637,000 people in Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Somalia, Ethiopia, and Tanzania have been affected and at least 234,000 people have been displaced as "torrential rains have unleashed a catastrophic series of events, including flooding, mudslides, and severe damage to vital infrastructure such as roads, bridges, and dams."

"These disasters have not only claimed numerous lives but have also escalated the suffering of the affected populations and heightened the risk of waterborne diseases," IOM added.

At least 238 people have died in Kenya alone, with many more injured. Kenyan President William Ruto has declared a day of mourning on Friday.

"No corner of our country has been spared from this havoc," Ruto said in a May 3 address to his nation. "Sadly, we have not seen the last of this perilous period as this situation is expected to escalate."

While Africa is responsible for less than 4% of global greenhouse gas emissions—the lowest share on the planet—the continent is suffering disproportionately during the worsening planetary emergency, with 17 of the 20 countries most threatened by global heating located on the continent of nearly 1.5 billion people.

East Africa and the Horn of Africa are particularly affected. Yet fossil fuel projects including the East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP)—which, if completed, will transport up to 230,000 barrels a day of crude oil nearly 900 miles from fields in the Lake Albert region of western Uganda to the Tanzanian port city of Tanga on the Indian Ocean—continue apace.

Meanwhile, activists who oppose projects like EACOP face persecution and even arrest.

"The unprecedented and devastating flooding has unveiled the harsh realities of climate change, claiming lives and displacing communities," IOM East and Horn of Africa Regional Director Rana Jaber said in a statement. "As these individuals face the daunting task of rebuilding, their vulnerability only deepens."

"In this critical moment even as IOM responds, the call remains urgent for sustainable efforts to address human mobility spurred by a changing climate," Jaber added.

"Tax the rich" protest in Paris

UN Tax Convention Presents Historic 'Opportunity to Create Well-Being for All'

Tax justice advocates this week are expressing hope that delegates at a United Nations summit aimed at drafting an international tax convention will take the "once-in-a-century opportunity," as one campaigner and researcher said, to place the common good at the center of the global tax system instead of individual and corporate greed.

Representatives of U.N. member states are meeting for the Ad Hoc Committee to Draft Terms of Reference for a United Nations Framework on International Tax Cooperation, following decades of campaigning by countries in the Global South.

"It's happening," said Rebecca Riddell, policy lead for Oxfam America. "The start of historic negotiations for a fairer global tax system. We're here because of the leadership of African countries. Because of the 125 states that voted yes. And because of tireless civil society efforts."

The U.N. General Assembly passed a resolution last November calling for the meeting, with the committee required to submit "terms of reference to the General Assembly by August and a final vote on a tax convention framework expected by the end of 2025.

At the Tax Justice Network (TJN), Sergio Chaparro-Hernandez wrote last week that the negotiations are taking place with an "unprecedented level of transparency," with civil society groups able to account for the positions adopted by each state.

Another "noteworthy development" as the meeting gets underway, said Chaparro-Hernandez, is that "several of the 48 countries that had voted against Resolution 78/230 last year are now actively participating in the process."

"The European Union, for example, which voted as a bloc against the resolution last year, accepted the path set out by the resolution by stating in its initial statement at the organizational session that, 'the UN framework convention on tax cooperation can and should serve to further promote tax transparency and fair taxation,'" he added.

Along with TJN, other civil society groups including the Center for Economic and Social Rights (CESR), Eurodad, and Greenpeace are participating in the committee meeting and lobbying for a far-reaching convention framework that will "redefine the pillars of the international tax system and to make it fully inclusive, just, and effective."

"At the U.N., low- and middle-income countries are in the majority, and they want a fair system where their voices are heard," said Maria Ron Balsera, a researcher at CESR.

Under current global tax rules, the wealthiest individuals and corporations pocket $480 billion each year through the use of tax havens and other forms of tax evasion, said Greenpeace on Tuesday, "most countries just can't cover people's basic needs, nor meet their climate and biodiversity targets and commitments."

"The U.N. Tax Convention is a historical opportunity to create well-being for all, by moving decision-making power from a few rich [Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development] countries to the U.N. where every country has a vote," said the group.

Chenai Mukumba, executive director of Tax Justice Network Africa, spoke to attendees of the committee meeting about prioritizing mechanisms to crack down on tax evasion.

"While we flag the importance of this work to developing countries, we cannot overemphasize that inclusive and effective tax cooperation is important that has benefits for our global community," said Mukumba. "The international community as a whole is better off when we have more countries that have resources and capacity to provide their citizens with essential services."

On Monday, Greenpeace Africa's pan-African political strategist Fred Njehu wrote to Ramy Mohamed Youssef, chair of the U.N. Tax Convention Committee, and addressed him not only as an advocate but as "a dad, a concerned citizen, and a taxpayer."

Changing global tax rules and ensuring the wealthy pay their fair share, said Njehu would unlock "the money for everyone’s basic needs and the recovery of climate and nature."

"We both know that this is mostly because multinational corporations have been exploiting the majority of the world for way too long, and governments in some rich countries have facilitated it," said Njehu. "They're making billions on the destruction of the world and our suffering. And then, they hide their profits in tax havens. A downward spiral where wealth and power have become so concentrated as to threaten democracy, civilization, and the living world we're part of."

"Mr. Youssef, you have a big responsibility and a unique opportunity to turn things around this year," he added. "Civil society, academics, and countries that represent 80% of the world’s population are backing you and your colleagues at the U.N. Tax Convention Committee to change the global tax rules, which are critical for how the global economy works... Now we need equality, transparency and accountability. Polluters must pay and the wealthy must be taxed fairly."

Liberal Democrat leader Sir Ed Davey is greeted by Tory "dinosaurs"

UK Voters Send 'Shout' for Change to Tories as Labour Sweeps in Local Elections

Nearly two weeks after the British Conservative Party pushed through a proposal to deport asylum-seekers to Rwanda in what one lawyer called "performative cruelty" in the name of winning the general election expected later this year, the local election results announced throughout the day Friday made increasingly clear the ploy hadn't worked.

Elections expert John Curtice projected the Tories could ultimately lose up to 500 local council seats as vote counting continues into the weekend, following elections in which voters cast ballots for 2,661 seats.

The Conservatives have lost around half of the seats they are defending Curtice told BBC Radio.

"We are probably looking at certainly one of the worst, if not the worst, Conservative performances in local government elections for the last 40 years," the polling expert said.

Curtice added that if the results were replicated in a general election, Labour would likely win 34% of the vote, with the Tories winning 25%—five years after the right-wing party won in a landslide in the last nationwide contest.

Labour leader Keir Starmer said the results represented a decisive call for "change" from British voters, particularly applauding the results of a special election in Blackpool South, where Labour candidate Chris Webb won nearly 11,000 votes while Conservative David Jones came in a distant second with just over 3,200.

Webb's victory represented a 26% swing in favor of Labour.

"That's the fifth swing of over 20% to the Labour party in by elections in recent months and years. It is a fantastic result, a really first class result," Starmer said. "And here in Blackpool, a message has been sent directly to the prime minister, because this was a parliamentary vote, to say we're fed up with your decline, your chaos... your division and we want change. We want to go forward with Labour."

"That wasn't just a little message," he added. "That wasn't just a murmur. That was a shout from Blackpool. We want to change. And Blackpool speaks for the whole country in saying we've had enough now, after 14 years of failure, 14 years of decline."

The Conservatives also lost ground in the northern town of Hartlepool, where they lost six council seats. The region swung toward the Tories after the party led the push for Brexit, the U.K.'s exit from the European Union.

A similar result was recorded in York and North Yorkshire, which includes the area Conservative Prime Minister Rishi Sunak represented as a member of Parliament.

"Yorkshire voted for Brexit in 2016," wrote William Booth, London bureau chief for The Washington Post. "But long gone are the days when many Conservatives want to stand before the voters and extol the advantages of leaving the European Union, which has been, in most sectors, a flop."

Sunak, added Booth, is "betting that immigration is still an issue with resonance and has promised to 'stop the boats,' the daily spectacle of desperate migrants risking their lives on rubber rafts trying to cross the English Channel. Sunak's government plans to fly asylum seekers arriving by boat to Rwanda. No flights have taken off yet. But the Home Office last week began a self-proclaimed 'large scale' operation to detain asylum seekers destined for removal."

The Labour Party has called Sunak's Rwanda plan a "gimmick" and said it would reverse a Tory policy blocking refugees from applying for asylum.

Average wages in the U.K. last year were "back at the level during the 2008 financial crisis, after taking account of inflation," according toThe Guardian.

"This 15 years of lost wage growth is estimated by the Resolution Foundation thinktank to have cost the average work £10,700 ($13,426) a year," reported the newspaper in March. "The performance has been ranked as the worst period for pay growth since the Napoleonic wars ended in 1815."

Analysts noted one setback for Labour in Oldham, where the party lost some seats in areas with large numbers of Muslim voters to independent candidates, costing it overall control of the council.

Arooj Shah, the Labour leader of the Oldham Council, told the BBC that the party's support for Israel in its bombardment of Gaza was behind its losses.

"Gaza is clearly an issue for anyone with an ounce of humanity in them, but we've asked for an immediate cease-fire right from the start," said Shah. "We have a rise of independents because people think mainstream parties aren't the answer."

The losses "should be a wake-up call for the Starmer leadership: Every vote must be earned," said the socialist and anti-racist group Momentum. "That means calling for an immediate arms ban to Israel, calling out Israeli war crimes, and delivering real leadership on climate."

A pro-Palestinian demonstrator is beaten

White House Needs a Strategy for Combating Islamophobia, Say Rights Groups

Nearly 100 organizations joined Muslims for Just Futures on Tuesday in calling on U.S. President Joe Biden to introduce a White House Islamophobia Strategy that centers government accountability and solidarity with Muslim and Arab American communities, demanding that the Biden administration honor the "lived experiences" of people who have faced Islamophobic attacks that have ramped up since Hamas attacked southern Israel last October.

The coalition's 26-page community memorandum, dated April 2024, was publicly released on Tuesday, the same day Biden spoke about fighting antisemitism in a speech marking the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum's Days of Remembrance.

Biden's conflation of antisemitism with protesters' and voters' demands to end U.S. support for Israel in order to save the lives of Palestinians in Gaza, said the community memorandum, has had "profound negative effects" on Muslim and Arab Americans.

The coalition said that organizations involved in drafting the memorandum—including Afghans for a Better Tomorrow, American Muslim Bar Association, and the Center for Constitutional Rights—"emphasized the direct role of the White House in perpetuating Islamophobia, anti-Palestinian racism, and anti-Arab racism through its ongoing support for the genocide and occupation in Palestine," among other military campaigns.

"Any genuine attempt to combat Islamophobia must start with the government acknowledging the harm it continues to inflict both domestically and internationally, and offering adequate redress to affected communities at home and globally," reads the memorandum.

The document includes a number of recommendations for agencies across the federal government, including a call for all agencies to vet potential employees "for affiliation with white nationalist or white supremacist" groups.

In the first weeks of Israel's bombardment of Gaza last fall, one high-profile alleged Islamophobic attack was perpetrated by a former State Department official who had served in the Obama administration and was filmed harassing a food cart vendor in New York.

The document makes other recommendations including:

  • Biden to call for an immediate and permanent cease-fire in Gaza and end U.S. support for Israel's bombardment of the enclave;
  • The closure of the Guantánamo Bay detention center;
  • The U.S. intelligence community to "stop weaponizing Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act against Black, Arab, Muslim, Middle Eastern, and South Asian (BAMEMSA) communities by surveilling citizens and non-citizens and collecting communications without a warrant;
  • The Department of Justice Civil Rights Division to consult with Black, Muslim, Arab, Palestinian, and South Asian communities about their needs and concerns, amid a surge in Islamophobic attacks that was recorded by the Council on American-Islamic Relations last year;
  • The Federal Bureau of Investigation to end its use of "secret and discriminatory watchlists," which includes 1.5 million people in 2019—95% of whom had Muslim names; and
  • The government to ensure that universities and schools end the targeting of "Muslim, Arab, Palestinian, and allied students supporting Palestine," who have been "discriminated against by their universities, and physically attacked, doxxed, and intimidated in efforts to silence their advocacy for Palestinian rights and opposition to Israel's genocide."

The memorandum was released as a research scholar at Arizona State University, Jonathan Yudelman, was reported to be on leave after cellphone video last weekend captured him intimidating and yelling at a women wearing a hijab.

Other Islamophobic attacks in recent months have included the stabbing of a young Palestinian American man in Austin, Texas and the shooting of three Palestinian students in Burlington, Vermont.

"By embracing a framework that honors lived experiences and acknowledges the diverse impacts within Muslim and related communities, we can begin the urgent task of dismantling systemic barriers that harm Muslim communities and those racially perceived as such," said Muslims for Just Futures. "Additionally, the government must take decisive action to dismantle policies that perpetuate Islamophobia while actively involving affected communities in decision-making processes."

Benjamin Netanyahu speaks

Netanyahu Says Israel 'Will Stand Alone' as Biden Threatens to Withhold Arms

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday responded to U.S. President Joe Biden's threat to withhold shipments of arms used by the Israel Defense Forces to kill thousands of Palestinian civilians by declaring that his far-right government would continue its assault on Gaza with or without American help.

"If we are forced to stand alone, we will stand alone," Netanyahu said in a video ahead of next week's anniversary of Israel's establishment in 1948, largely via the ethnic cleansing of Palestine's Arabs. "I have already said that if we have to, we will fight with our nails."

Echoing Netanyahu, Israel Defense Forces spokesperson Daniel Hagari said the IDF already has the "necessary weapons" to wage war, "including in Rafah," where over 1 million people forcibly displaced from other parts of Gaza are sheltering alongside around 280,000 local residents, all of them bracing for a full-scale Israeli invasion.

The prime minister's remarks came a day after Biden threatened to withhold bombs and artillery shells from Israel if it launches a major invasion of Rafah—even as critics noted that Israeli forces have already attacked and entered the city. Some accused Biden of walking back a previous "red line" warning against any assault on Rafah.

Common Dreamsreported Tuesday that Biden is delaying shipments of two types of bombs to Israel in order to send a message that the president's tolerance for what he called Israel's "indiscriminate bombing" of Gazan civilians is waning.

However, observers noted that Biden recently signed off on $14.3 billion in emergency armed assistance for Israel atop the nearly $4 billion the key ally already receives from Washington each year. The Biden administration has quietly approved more than 100 arms sales to Israel since October 7, while pushing for billions of dollars worth of additional deals, including advanced fighter jets.

Biden has also repeatedly bypassed Congress to fast-track weapons transfers to Israel as it wages what the International Court of Justice in January called a "plausibly" genocidal war that's killed, injured, or left missing more than 124,000 Palestinians—mostly women and children—since October 7.

The U.S. administration also provides diplomatic cover for Israel's policies and practices in the form of United Nations Security Council vetoes.

Despite all this support—which comes as most election-year voters supporting Biden's Democratic Party believe Israel is committing genocide in Gaza—Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir on Thursday tweeted, "Hamas ❤️ Biden."