The Progressive


A project of Common Dreams

For Immediate Release
Contact: Dylan Penner, Media Officer,E-mail:,

Council of Canadians Celebrates End of Energy East Pipeline

Number of People with Family Earnings Below Poverty Remains Way Up

The Council of Canadians is celebrating the cancellation of the Energy East pipeline project and is available for comment.

"The end of Energy East shows that extreme energy projects are part of our past not our future," says Maude Barlow, Honorary Chairperson with the Council of Canadians. "For all of our sakes, Kinder Morgan, Line 3, Line 10 and Keystone XL must face the same fate."

The Council has been organizing to stop Energy East since the first day it was announced. The opposition of communities and organizations has played a decisive role in halting the controversial project.

For more information or to arrange interviews:

Dylan Penner, Media Officer, Council of Canadians, 613-795-8685, Twitter: @CouncilOfCDNs

Founded in 1985, the Council of Canadians is Canada's leading social action organization, mobilizing a network of 60 chapters across the country.

Office: (613) 233-4487, ext. 249