The Progressive


A project of Common Dreams

For Immediate Release

Thanu Yakupitiyage, on Trump's 'State of the Union' Address

During tonight's 'State of the Union' address, Trump said, "We have unleashed a revolution in American energy -- the United States is now the number one producer of oil and natural gas in the world. And now, for the first time in 65 years, we are a net exporter of energy."


During tonight's 'State of the Union' address, Trump said, "We have unleashed a revolution in American energy -- the United States is now the number one producer of oil and natural gas in the world. And now, for the first time in 65 years, we are a net exporter of energy." executive director May Boeve offered the following statement in response:

"The only energy revolution America needs is a massive economic transformation at the scale of the climate crisis -- that's a Green New Deal. Trump is doing everything possible to stall the sweeping changes we need to avoid climate devastation and build a prosperous future for all. His shameful policies have made America a leader in both driving the catastrophic climate crisis and in punishing communities around the world, including migrants and refugees, who are facing its impacts. Real climate leaders must join forces against Trump's xenophobic, fossil-fueled agenda, and put their weight behind bold legislation that takes our economy out of the hands of Big Oil."

350 is building a future that's just, prosperous, equitable and safe from the effects of the climate crisis. We're an international movement of ordinary people working to end the age of fossil fuels and build a world of community-led renewable energy for all.