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The Progressive


A project of Common Dreams

For Immediate Release
Contact: Mike Hersh, PDA Communications Director,,Alan Minksy, PDA Executive Director:,

Rep. Jim McGovern Urges Colleagues to Vote No on War Escalation Funds


Jim McGovern (D., Mass.), the second ranking Democrat on the House
Rules Committee, urged his colleagues to vote No on the upcoming
supplemental to fund an escalation of war in Afghanistan with $33

on a podcast produced by Progressive Democrats of America, McGovern
said, "In order to be able to fund the surge that the president
requested a few months ago, there's going to need to be an emergency
supplemental appropriations bill, and we expect that in the next couple
of months. A couple of things that we're trying to get is first a
separate vote on the Afghan war funding, versus all the other stuff in
the supplemental, so there's an up or down vote on the war funding."

whether he supported No votes on the funding for the escalation,
regardless of whether other measures were included in the bill,
McGovern said, "The bigger that No vote is, the more pressure on the
White House there will be to change our policy. You know, the bigger
that No vote is, the more pressure there's going to be on leaders here
in Congress to pressure the White House to change our policy."

Director of PDA, Tim Carpenter, noted: "There will also, of course, be
more pressure on every other member of Congress to join those voting
No, which could ultimately lead to a denial of funds for more war,
regardless of the president's preference."

went on to explain his opposition to the escalation and to continuing
the war at all: "I've worried from the very beginning that the war in
Afghanistan is a war that has no end. And if you read some of the
recent reports, you know, our military, which is the finest in the
world, will win every military battle. But then when it's time for the
Afghans to take over, they go into these villages that we supposedly
have liberated from the Taliban, and then they go in and they loot all
homes and small businesses there, which means we have to go back and
pay these people off again, and then when we leave the Afghan army
leaves, and the Taliban goes back in. So we're going around in circles
here. So this is a war that nobody quite knows how to define what
victory is. This is a war that will go on forever. And this is a war
that will bankrupt us. So it is important to urge your member of
Congress to vote No on the supplemental. It is important to send that
signal, because if we don't, you know, we're going to be having this
conversation 10 years from now. . . . The more the pressure on the
member of Congress the more likely they're going to vote No on the

The full audio of this podcast is available online:

Democrats of America was founded in 2004 to transform the Democratic
Party and our country. We seek to build a party and government
controlled by citizens, not corporate elites--with policies that serve
the broad public interest, not just private interests. PDA is a
grassroots PAC operating inside the Democratic Party, and outside in
movements for peace and justice. Our inside/outside strategy is guided
by the belief that a lasting majority will require a revitalized
Democratic Party built on firm progressive principles.

over two decades, the party declined as its leadership listened more to
the voices of corporations than those of Americans. PDA strives to
rebuild the Democratic Party from the bottom up--from every
congressional district to statewide party structures to the corridors
of power in Washington, where we work arm in arm with the Congressional
Progressive Caucus. In just five years, PDA and its allies have shaken
up the political status quo--on the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, Medicare
for all, voter rights, accountability, and economic and environmental

Progressive Democrats of America was founded in 2004 to transform the Democratic Party and U.S. politics by working inside and outside of the party by working to elect empowered progressives and by building the progressive movement in solidarity with with peace, justice, civil rights, environmental, and other reform efforts. For more information about PDA, please see