The Progressive


A project of Common Dreams

For Immediate Release

Medea Benjamin, 415-235-6517
Nancy Mancias, 415-342-6409

Two Activists of the Women's Peace Group CODEPINK Disrupted John McCain's Speech Thursday Night at The RNC

ST. PAUL, Minn.

Two activists of the women's peace group CODEPINK disrupted John
McCain's speech Thursday night at the Republican National Convention,
immediately following another activist of the anti-war veterans group,
Iraq Veterans Against War.

At the start of McCain's speech, veteran Adam Kokesh of Washington,
D.C. emerged from the crowd near the stage inside the Xcel Center here
carrying a sign and shouting messages to stop the war. About four
minutes into the speech, CODEPINK activist Elizabeth Hourican, 38, a
McCain constituent of Phoenix, AZ and longtime protester of McCain's
support for war, approached the stairs of the center toward the stage
wearing a pink slip that said, "McCain = more war" with a banner that
said "McCain = war." Hourican, shouting phrases including "Women say no
to war!" and "We want a peace president!", raised her hands in a peace
sign before being carried out. A few minutes later, San Francisco
native Nancy Mancias, 38, did the same.

Mancias has since been released and was not charged. Hourican is still in custody.

were given their tickets to the speech by Republicans who decided not
to attend, based on their displeasure with McCain's position on war,
oil drilling and other issues.

Their disruption follows a similar disruption Wednesday by CODEPINK
co-founders Medea Benjamin and Jodie Evans during Republican
vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin's speech at the RNC. They
approached the stage where Palin was speaking, adjusted their clothes
to reveal pink slips that read "Palin is not a woman's choice," stood
there at the side of the stage for about a minute and yelled "Women say
no to war!" and "Women need a vice-president for peace!" They also
removed banners that read "Women need a peace vice-president." After
another moment, security then grabbed Benjamin and Evans and escorted
them one at a time out of the St. Paul Xcel Center, where they were
held until the end of the Palin's speech and told they would be
arrested if they tried to reenter. They were told they'd committed an
arrestable offense but they were not charged.(See footage of the event here).

"Sarah Palin is not a woman's choice," said Jodie Evans, co-founder, moments after being released. "That's it."

CODEPINK is a women-led grassroots organization working to end U.S. wars and militarism, support peace and human rights initiatives, and redirect our tax dollars into healthcare, education, green jobs and other life-affirming programs.

(818) 275-7232