The Progressive


A project of Common Dreams

For Immediate Release

Jessica Gable,

New Analysis Details Immense Scale of Corporate Water Abuses in California

Report recommends immediate, specific action by Gov. Newsom to alleviate water scarcity and prioritize equity in water distribution.


Today the national advocacy organization Food & Water Watch released "Big Ag, Big Oil and California's Big Water Problem," a report detailing for the first time California's most egregious corporate water misuses. The piece pinpoints industrial agriculture as among the worst offenders, swallowing large portions of California's water resources and exporting billions of gallons of water overseas through heavily irrigated crops like almond and alfalfa as well as dairy.

Among the report's detailed findings is the fact that all the water used to maintain California's mega-dairies could provide enough water for all the residents of San Diego and San Jose combined. Foreign and domestic corporations also use California's limited water to irrigate crops that are then exported to feed dairy cows overseas. Saudi dairy company Almarai owns 15,000 acres in Blythe, CA for just such a purpose, purchased after Saudi Arabia deemed water-intensive crops like alfalfa were not a beneficial use of the country's limited water resources.

Extreme drought conditions exacerbated by climate change currently envelop 88 percent of California and fuel wildfires of ever-increasing intensity. The report's analysis highlights the trillions of gallons of water currently headed to corporate coffers and not Californians' faucets, potentially leading to thousands of wells across the state going dry by the end of next year.

"What this research reveals is an astonishing precedent of water mismanagement and preferential treatment given to corporate entities in our state," said Food & Water Watch's California Director Alexandra Nagy upon the report's release. "Fossil fuels and industrial agriculture like mega-dairies not only pollute our climate, they drain California of valuable water resources that should belong to the people. One million Californians are without clean drinking water. Climate disasters like drought and wildfires are increasing in frequency and intensity. Without action from Governor Newsom to end the parasitic hold Big Ag and Big Oil have on our water resources, California's inequities will sharpen and its communities will suffer."

Among the recommendations laid out by the white paper for Governor Newsom are an immediate statewide declaration of drought, end to new oil and gas drilling permits, and the designation of groundwater used for almonds and alfalfa in the southwest San Joaquin Valley as wasteful.

Read the full report here.

Food & Water Watch mobilizes regular people to build political power to move bold and uncompromised solutions to the most pressing food, water, and climate problems of our time. We work to protect people's health, communities, and democracy from the growing destructive power of the most powerful economic interests.

(202) 683-2500