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For Immediate Release
Dan Byrnes (202) 495-3039 or

Sierra Club Statement on Senate Fast-Track Cloture Vote

Today, the U.S. Senate passed procedural motion on a "fast-track" bill that limits Congressional authority and oversight over international trade deals like the massive Trans-Pacific Partnership.


Today, the U.S. Senate passed procedural motion on a "fast-track" bill that limits Congressional authority and oversight over international trade deals like the massive Trans-Pacific Partnership.

This bill under consideration is even more controversial than the fast-track bill the Senate approved in May. For example, since the House passed a customs bill that added a negotiating objective to fast track that would prevent the U.S. Trade Representative from addressing climate change in trade pacts, the new fast track bill would tie the U.S.'s hands on climate action. This bill also excludes Trade Adjustment Assistance, a program to support workers displaced by trade.


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In response, Sierra Club executive director Michael Brune release the following statement:

"Fast tracking toxic trade deals is bad for workers, our communities and our environment no matter how many times Congress brings it up. We thank those Senators who took a stand for fair and responsible trade, and we are deeply disappointed in those who turned their backs on an opportunity to protect our communities and clean up trade. Millions of energized fair trade activists are ready to turn their attention to bringing the Trans-Pacific Partnership out of the shadows, expose it for the environmental disaster that it is, and continue the process of building a new model of trade that works for American workers and the environment."

The Sierra Club is the most enduring and influential grassroots environmental organization in the United States. We amplify the power of our 3.8 million members and supporters to defend everyone's right to a healthy world.

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