The Progressive


A project of Common Dreams

For Immediate Release
Contact: Phone: (510) 654-4400

Take Back Control of Your Food System

There are two million farmers and 300 million eaters in the United
States. Standing between them are a handful of corporations who control
how food gets from one side to the other.

Let's change the equation.


There are two million farmers and 300 million eaters in the United
States. Standing between them are a handful of corporations who control
how food gets from one side to the other.

Let's change the equation.

For the first time ever, the Department of Justice is on a
fact-finding mission looking at how big business controls food and
farming -- and they want to hear from YOU. They are specifically
seeking comments and stories about how corporate control of the food
system affects average citizens. If you're concerned that just a few
big businesses have so much power over where your food comes from and
how it's produced, tell the government! Your comments will help to
inform a series of hearings on the issue next year.

To forward this press release, refer to:

To encourage readers to contact the Department of Justice with a
comment about what they want changed in the U.S. food system, here are
the instructions and sample letters.

The purpose of the Institute for Food and Development Policy - Food First - is to eliminate the injustices that cause hunger. Food First supports a "bottom-up" approach to solving world hunger, asserting the ability of all countries to feed their own people if they focus on agriculture for subsistence rather than for export.