A new muckraking project, PolluterWatch,
launched today with the express intent of exposing and pushing back on
polluting industry influence peddling and propaganda. The project,
launched with an effort to legally obtain, organize and post large
numbers of emails by top global warming deniers and top polluting
industry lobbyists who "served" in the Bush Administration.
"Hard-working Americans don't have
the money or lack of scruples to hire hackers to sort and post stolen
emails," said PolluterWatch Director Kert Davies. "It's the guys making
money lying about climate science who have been cooking the science
books. Once their emails are brought to the light of day, we'll know
the truth. If they haven't been lying, they'll have nothing to hide,
and we'll be happy to organize and post all of their emails for them so
the public can judge for themselves."
PolluterWatch is currently investigating Patrick Michaels, a former
University of Virginia professor being bankrolled by polluters who has
been widely attacking credible climate scientists. Michaels has
repeatedly misrepresented the significance of stolen emails from
several prominent scientists, with almost no pushback by the mainstream
Organized by Greenpeace, PolluterWatch, is being advised by a panel of
Americans personally impacted by polluter propaganda. The project was
founded on the premise that many in elected office and even some in the
media have grown far too comfortable with the legalized corruption
created by polluting industry lobbyists and the front groups they
The PolluterWatch website (https://polluterwatch.com)
will give a voice to Americans' concerns that powerful corporate
lobbyists, particularly from big polluting industries, have far too
much control of public decision making.
PolluterWatch will work to expose and fight back against the web of
legalized corruption that blocks progress on clean energy jobs and
energy independence in Washington. Further actions will be announced in
the coming days and weeks, as efforts to secure a global climate deal
fight for survival against the assaults of the oil, coal and polluting
industry lobbyists.
PolluterWatch will be advised by a panel of Americans who are leading
the fight for cleaner energy and a stronger economy, including:
* David Dionne of Westport, MA, a house painter and community
leader who started fighting dirty coal plants from his backyard over a
decade ago.
* Bonnie Swinford of Knoxville, Tennesee, of United Mountain
Defense, who has led efforts to protect communities from mountaintop
removal and help victims of the Tennessee Valley Authority coal ash
spill of December 2008.
"If you are making money subverting America's interests in clean energy
jobs and energy security, we're going to expose you and fight back,"
said PolluterWatch advisor David Dionne of Massachusetts. "These
Washington elites have been accountability-free for far too long, and
the public is sick of it."
In addition to the website, PolluterWatch.com, the campaign has
established a presence on Twitter (@PolluterWatch), YouTube
(youtube.com/PolluterWatch) and Facebook (facebook.com/PolluterWatch).