The Progressive


A project of Common Dreams

For Immediate Release

John Rumpler, Senior Attorney, 617 997-8296,

Congress Should Reject Anti-Environmental Farm Bill

Poisoning our water and land to grow our food makes no sense. Congress should start over with a Farm Bill that promotes healthy food and clean water." - John Rumpler, Environment America

This afternoon, a Farm Bill (H.R. 2) loaded with anti-environmental provisions is back for a vote in the U.S. House of Representatives. The House previously rejected H.R. 2 by a vote of 198 to 213. John Rumpler, Environment America's senior attorney and clean water program director, issued the following statement:


Poisoning our water and land to grow our food makes no sense. Congress should start over with a Farm Bill that promotes healthy food and clean water." - John Rumpler, Environment America

This afternoon, a Farm Bill (H.R. 2) loaded with anti-environmental provisions is back for a vote in the U.S. House of Representatives. The House previously rejected H.R. 2 by a vote of 198 to 213. John Rumpler, Environment America's senior attorney and clean water program director, issued the following statement:

"Today, Congress again considers a dirty Farm Bill that would undermine protections for clean water, national forests, and our health. More specifically, H.R. 2 would:

  • Repeal the Clean Water Rule, which restored federal protections for half of our nation's streams and millions of acres of wetlands.
  • Allow destructive mining, drilling, and roadbuilding in our national forests in Alaska, including the Tongass, which is the largest intact temperate rainforest in the world.
  • Exempt pesticide pollution from the Clean Water Act, even though pesticides have contributed to more than 1,800 instances of water pollution across the country.
  • Eliminate the Conservation Stewardship Program, the nation's largest conservation program by acreage.
  • Pre-empt state and local laws aimed at health and environmental impacts of factory farms.
  • Severely undermine vital bedrock environmental laws including the Endangered Species Act.
  • Eliminate public input and environmental review for a wide range of activities on public lands.

"Poisoning our water and land to grow our food makes no sense. Congress should reject this dirty Farm Bill and start over with legislation that promotes both healthy food and clean water. So far, the Senate Farm Bill offers the nation a far better path than H.R. 2."

With Environment America, you protect the places that all of us love and promote core environmental values, such as clean air to breathe, clean water to drink, and clean energy to power our lives. We're a national network of 29 state environmental groups with members and supporters in every state. Together, we focus on timely, targeted action that wins tangible improvements in the quality of our environment and our lives.

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