The Progressive


A project of Common Dreams

For Immediate Release
Contact: Melissa Garriga:

Leak This to Congress.... Now


Not since the Pentagon Papers have the inner workings of war been exposed to the public in such an explosive fashion as with the WikiLeaks' revelations on the Afghan war. Last night we talked to Daniel Ellsberg, who made public the Pentagon Papers that helped end the war in Vietnam. He said:

"Wikileaks has given us a picture of the this war that shows a total replay, as in Vietnam, of a corrupt, incompetent set of allies whose main merit is a willingness to be paid by Congress and be supported by the drug trade. We are clearly mired in an escalating stalemate. The troop increase Obama has requested will make no difference.

I admire the courage of Bradley Manning for sacrificing himself to make the public aware of the futility of this war. Let us make sure his sacrifice is not in vain by using these revelations to force Congress to stop funding this war."

The "leak" comes precisely during the week that Congress will be voting on another $33 billion for war. Thanks to your calls, Congressional visits and determination this past month, the Administration has not been able to get the quick vote on the war funding they requested. Your efforts have had an impact; now we have to open the floodgates of opposition and drown the funding that would send more of our soldiers to die in vain.

To fuel your passion for these calls, here's the link to the section on civilian casualties, including incidents like the gunner at a roadblock who killed a 14-year-old girl and wounded a toddler or the Marine air strike that left seven children dead. You can also read our WikiLeak talking points here!

Call 888-493-5443 now. Tell your Congressperson that the WikiLeaks' documents confirm that this war is immoral and unwinnable.

Whether we succeed in blocking the war funding or not, we'll be able to clearly identify Congressional war enablers and war opponents, so we can punish and reward them when they're home for August and at the polls in November.

Thank you for turning this leak into a tsunami of anti-war pressure,
Bonnie, Dana, Farida, Gael, Gayle, Joan, Jodie, Medea, Nancy, Rae, and Victoria

CODEPINK is a women-led grassroots organization working to end U.S. wars and militarism, support peace and human rights initiatives, and redirect our tax dollars into healthcare, education, green jobs and other life-affirming programs.

(818) 275-7232