The Progressive


A project of Common Dreams

For Immediate Release

Taruna Godric, 416-916-5202 ext 414

US Losing Ground in Eastern Europe

William Engdahl: Russia's response to Georgia's offensive sends shock waves throughout the region


Russia flexed its military might over the weekend, testing a Topol
intercontinental ballistic missile. The tests came amid increasingly
strained ties between Washington and Moscow, following US ally
Georgia's military offensive in South Ossettia in August.

Military action by Moscow has created shock waves not just around
Central Asia, Caucasus and Caspian region. It has also been a major
background factor in the collapse of the Pro-Nato government of Victor
Yushchenko in Ukraine.

The Real News spoke to William Engdhal, author and political
economist about the US influence in the region. Engdhal states, "The
smaller countries regardless of what they are saying publicly,
privately they realize that this is a high risk, high stake game they
are leered into by agreeing to joining NATO. They had dreams of all
sorts of benefits from growing closer to United States but now they are
waking up to realize those dreams could be a nuclear nightmare."

Watch the full story on The Real News Network : US Losing Ground in Eastern Europe

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