The Progressive


A project of Common Dreams

For Immediate Release


Anti-War Activity Across the UK as Part of International Day of Action for Peace in Ukraine


Towns and cities across the UK will be alive with anti-war activity tomorrow (Sat 7 May) as part of the International Day of Action for Peace in Ukraine organised by Stop the War Coalition, Code Pink, CND and the International No to NATO Network.

We will be calling for the withdrawal of Russian troops in Ukraine, an end to the military escalation by NATO countries and for all efforts to be focused on finding a negotiated solution to the horrific war in the country.

A Scotland-wide demonstration is set to march through Glasgow and protests will also be taking place in Bournemouth, Brighton, Manchester and Newcastle. Stalls and speak-outs have also been organised in over 30 locations.

Lindsey German, Stop the War Convenor, said:

"The British government has become an obstacle to peace in Ukraine by encouraging the continuation of the war through huge arms shipments and incendiary rhetoric. The conflict there is developing into proxy war between Russia and NATO and it is the Ukrainian people who will suffer the consequences.

We're campaigning for an immediate ceasefire and a negotiated settlement - anything less risks an escalating conflict with unfathomable consequences."

Stop the War was founded in September 2001 in the weeks following 9/11, when George W. Bush announced the "war on terror". Stop the War has since been dedicated to preventing and ending the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and elsewhere. Stop the War opposes the British establishment's disastrous addiction to war and its squandering of public resources on militarism. We have initiated many campaigns around these issues.

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