The Progressive


A project of Common Dreams

For Immediate Release
Contact: Roger Kerson,Email: roger.kerson (at) gmail (dot) com

"A Brazen Crime Committed in Broad Daylight" Democracy Initiative Says GOP Must Denounce Trump's Threat to Delay U.S. Mail During 2020 Election

This statement is from Wendy Fields, executive director of the Democracy Initiative:

Donald Trump's threat to delay the U.S. mail during the 2020 elections is a brazen crime, committed in broad daylight.

The U.S. Postal Service is not the president's personal piggy bank. It is not an arm of his re-election committee. The prompt delivery of U.S. mail to connect our entire nation is a sacred public trust, upheld for hundreds of years by presidents and public officials.


This statement is from Wendy Fields, executive director of the Democracy Initiative:

Donald Trump's threat to delay the U.S. mail during the 2020 elections is a brazen crime, committed in broad daylight.

The U.S. Postal Service is not the president's personal piggy bank. It is not an arm of his re-election committee. The prompt delivery of U.S. mail to connect our entire nation is a sacred public trust, upheld for hundreds of years by presidents and public officials.

The Republican leaders who immediately denounced President Trump's nonsensical scheme to delay the November election must now denounce his scheme to delay the U.S. mail.

The member groups of the Democracy Initiative - labor, environmental and civil rights organizations - comprise 45 million people who demand the right to vote safely and have our votes counted. To prevent a stolen election, we are mobilizing with allies and partners to carry out voter education, including vote by mail training, and to empower citizen volunteers in all 50 states. And it would be a national disgrace if members of the U.S. military serving abroad - who always vote by mail - were excluded from this historic election.

We've seen huge voter turnout during the 2020 primary season and will see it again in November. Elected officials must meet this demand for democracy, not attempt to defeat it through voter suppression.

During this pandemic, postal workers have literally kept millions of Americans alive, delivering food, medicine and other critical supplies. Postal workers are ready, as always, to process and promptly deliver election mail, the very lifeblood of our democracy. Donald Trump, who is a politician running for re-election, must not be allowed to stand in their way.

The Democracy Initiative is a coalition of 75 organizations with a collective 45 million members fighting for workers, civil rights, social justice and the environment. DI partner organizations are united in their commitment to realizing the promise of American democracy where all people have an equal seat at the governance table.