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The Progressive


A project of Common Dreams

For Immediate Release

Alli McCracken, CODEPINK National Director, 860-575-5692,

Sam Ritchie, CODEPINK Communications Director, 347-452-0008,

CODEPINK Marches to Oppose Unlimited Funding for War Abroad While Millions Live in Poverty at Home

Activists Will Attend Events Dressed as GOP Billionaires Shopping for Influence


CODEPINK will be part of the Coalition to Stop Trump and March on the RNC and the End Poverty Now! March on Monday, July 18th to protest the GOP's corporate backers profiteering off of endless war abroad while the shameful epidemic of poverty continues unabated in the richest country on the planet.

Dressed as GOP billionaires, activists will call attention to the millions who live in poverty while others, like weapons manufacturers, are making a killing off of killing in America's endless wars, and the super wealthy like Donald Trump are out of touch with the reality of living in the U.S. today. They will demand that the bloated Pentagon military budget - by far the largest of any country on the planet and larger than the budget of the next seven largest national military budgets COMBINED - be cut and the funds re-directed into programs that combat poverty, such as education, social services, housing, healthcare, childcare and job training.

Coalition to Stop Trump March on the RNC

When: Monday, July 18, noon-2pm

Where: Rally at Cleveland Public Square and then march to the RNC at Quicken Arena

End Poverty Now! March

When: Monday, July 18, 2-4 pm

Where: East 45th, just north of Superior Avenue, then march to the RNC at Quicken Arena

CODEPINK messaging: Activists will be dressed as GOP billionaires saying Tax the Poor! More corporate loopholes! Buy more bombs, who needs public schools? Who's for sale... Haha, we've already bought you, etc.

Interviews with activists prior to the events or during the marches can be arranged through Alli McCracken, CODEPINK National Director, at (860) 575-5692.

PLEASE NOTE: Due to scheduling issues, the CODEPINK "No Beauty in Hate" Pageant is being re-scheduled, and will not be held today as originally planned. We will update you shortly with the new date and time. For CODEPINK's latest updated schedule at the RNC, visit our website.

CODEPINK is in Cleveland at the Republican National Convention to call for reduced military spending, immigration policies that welcome refugees and provide amnesty to those who are undocumented, an end to drone warfare, and severed ties with repressive regimes like Israel, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia. CODEPINK is asking all presidential candidates to adopt their ten point Peace Platform which calls for foreign and domestic policy based on respect, cooperation, non-violence and diplomacy, not war and hate.

CODEPINK is a women-led grassroots organization working to end U.S. wars and militarism, support peace and human rights initiatives, and redirect our tax dollars into healthcare, education, green jobs and other life-affirming programs.

(818) 275-7232