The Progressive


A project of Common Dreams

For Immediate Release

Avery Palmer, 202-822-8200 x104,

New and Expanded Online Resource Details Fatal Concealed Carry Incidents State by State


Today, the Violence Policy Center (VPC) launched a new and expanded version of Concealed Carry Killers, an online resource that provides hundreds of examples of fatal non-self defense incidents involving private individuals with permits to carry concealed handguns. This information can be viewed at

The new Concealed Carry Killers website provides easily accessed, state-by-state information on mass shootings, murder-suicides, homicides, suicides, unintentional deaths, and the killing of law enforcement personnel by private citizens with permits to carry concealed handguns. includes a new user-friendly map providing information on fatal incidents state by state. Where possible, each incident includes a detailed vignette of the circumstances surrounding the killing. Descriptions of the incidents include, when available: the number of people killed; the age of the perpetrator and the victim(s); the weapon used; the relationship(s) of those involved in the killing; and, the motive(s) for the killing when reported.

Additional resources on the Concealed Carry Killers website include separate listings with detailed vignettes for: mass shootings involving concealed carry permit holders; murder-suicides committed by concealed carry permit holders; fatal law enforcement killings by concealed carry permit holders; and, an overall tally on fatal incidents throughout the nation.

"While the gun lobby and firearms industry work to keep secret the crimes committed by concealed handgun permit holders, the examples presented in Concealed Carry Killers reveal the real-world consequences in horrifying detail. We challenge anyone to sit down and read through the hundreds of incidents contained on this website -- year by year, state by state, victim by victim -- and not be shocked and angered by the needless lives lost, all for the sake of the gun industry's bottom line," states VPC Legislative Director Kristen Rand.

Detailed information on fatal incidents involving concealed carry killers is rarely available from official sources, and some states in fact bar the release of such information. As a result, the VPC is forced to rely primarily on news accounts for reports of such killings and subsequent legal proceedings. The overall number of fatal incidents involving concealed carry killers is almost certainly far higher than the totals cited on the website.

The VPC has documented 29 mass shootings (three or more victims) involving concealed carry permit holders since May 2007, resulting in the deaths of 139 victims. Overall, Concealed Carry Killers documents 550 fatal incidents since May 2007 in 36 states and the District of Columbia, resulting in the deaths of 732 people.

In 84 percent of the 550 incidents (460) the concealed carry killer committed suicide (219), has already been convicted (179), perpetrated a murder-suicide (46), or was killed in the incident (16). Of the 70 cases still pending, the vast majority (61) of concealed carry killers have been charged with criminal homicide, four were deemed incompetent to stand trial, and five incidents are still under investigation. Seventeen of the victims were law enforcement officers. An additional 20 incidents were fatal unintentional shootings involving the gun of the concealed handgun permit holder.

Concealed Carry Killers does not include the small number of incidents that are eventually ruled as lawful self-defense. Any incident that is eventually ruled as self-defense is removed from the database's ongoing totals.

The Violence Policy Center (VPC) works to stop gun death and injury through research, education, advocacy, and collaboration. Founded in 1988 by Executive Director Josh Sugarmann, a native of Newtown, Connecticut, the VPC informs the public about the impact of gun violence on their daily lives, exposes the profit-driven marketing and lobbying activities of the firearms industry and gun lobby, offers unique technical expertise to policymakers, organizations, and advocates on the federal, state, and local levels, and works for policy changes that save lives. The VPC has a long and proven record of policy successes on the federal, state, and local levels, leading the National Rifle Association to acknowledge us as "the most effective ... anti-gun rabble-rouser in Washington."