The Progressive


A project of Common Dreams

For Immediate Release

Jess Levin (202) 772-8162

Drop Dobbs Ad to Air on CNN

Media Matters partners with America's Voice in new ad calling out network for providing a platform to Lou Dobbs


Today, Media Matters for America announced
that a new advertisement from America's
Voice and Media Matters calling
out CNN for continuing to give Lou Dobbs a prominent platform will air on CNN
on October 21 and 22, during CNN's heavily promoted Latino in America series. America's Voice is a partner with Media Matters in the Drop Dobbs campaign,
which calls attention to Dobbs' long history of reporting marred by baseless conspiracy
theories, anti-immigrant rhetoric, and undisclosed conflicts of interest.

To watch the ad, please visit:


week, Media Matters and America's Voice
reached out to supporters for help in getting the advertisement on CNN's
airwaves. Thousands of grassroots activists responded, and the ad is now set to air next week
during the Latino in America series.
The ad follows the launch of the Drop Dobbs campaign, an expanding coalition of
15 organizations calling on Dobbs' advertisers to stop supporting his hate

Matters has repeatedly noted Dobbs' history of anti-immigrant
rhetoric and recently
released a comprehensive
on Dobbs' most egregious conspiracy theories, hateful rhetoric, and
undisclosed conflicts of interest. Examples include:

  • Dobbs' failure to disclose his fundraising for
    the Hazelton legal defense fund while reporting on immigration ordinance
  • His forced retraction of a smear about the U.S.
    Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
  • His show's use of a hate group graphic to push
    the "reconquista" myth
  • His unwavering defense of his show's wildly
    off-base leprosy reporting
  • His pushing a North American Union myth that his
    colleagues called a "conspiracy theor[y]"
  • His injecting loaded "amnesty" graphics
    into CNN journalists' news reports

For more information on the Drop Dobbs campaign, please visit:

Media Matters for America is a Web-based, not-for-profit, 501(c)(3) progressive research and information center dedicated to comprehensively monitoring, analyzing, and correcting conservative misinformation in the U.S. media.