The Progressive


A project of Common Dreams

For Immediate Release
Contact: Phone: (202) 588-1000

CFPB Proposes Public Registry of Terms and Conditions in Form Contracts

The U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) today announced a proposed rule to establish a public registry of terms and conditions in non-bank contracts that waive or limit consumer’s rights and protections.

Martha Perez-Pedemonti, access to justice and consumer rights counsel for Public Citizen, released the following statement:

“A public database tracking contracts waiving consumer rights – which consumers are regularly forced into accepting – is a welcome and timely proposal. When forced arbitration clauses are combined with class action bans, judges, arbitrators, consumers, and advocates cannot assess or remedy the full scope of wrongdoing that affects consumers. This registry has the potential to become a powerful tool for consumers and watchdog organizations alike to track harmful contract terms that limit customers’ legal rights and keep them from having their day in court.”

Public Citizen is a nonprofit consumer advocacy organization that champions the public interest in the halls of power. We defend democracy, resist corporate power and work to ensure that government works for the people - not for big corporations. Founded in 1971, we now have 500,000 members and supporters throughout the country.

(202) 588-1000