The Progressive


A project of Common Dreams

For Immediate Release

Kucinich Report: The FACTS on the Trade Agreements

Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH), who was named an 'American Jobs Hero' for his leadership challenging free trade agreements and other destructive trade policies, today released the following video outlining the facts concerning the Korea, Colombia and Panama free trade agreements the House is voting on today and their impact on jobs in Ohio.


Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH), who was named an 'American Jobs Hero' for his leadership challenging free trade agreements and other destructive trade policies, today released the following video outlining the facts concerning the Korea, Colombia and Panama free trade agreements the House is voting on today and their impact on jobs in Ohio. Kucinich also voice opposition on the House floor here, here and here.

Click on the image to see the video.

The text of the video follows:

"Today the House of Representatives will vote on three free trade agreements with Korea, Colombia and Panama.

"Here are the facts.

"According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, following the passage of the North American Free Trade Agreement, my home state of Ohio lost 360,477 manufacturing jobs.

"According to the Economy Policy Institute 34,900 jobs have been lost in Ohio due to the trade deficit with Mexico during the same period. Nationwide 680,000 jobs were lost.

"Since China joined the World Trade Organization in 2001, Ohio has lost 91,800 jobs due to the trade deficit with China. Nationwide two millions jobs were lost or displaced.

"The current unemployment rate hovers around 9.1%. In Ohio alone, more than one million people are unemployed. A recent study from the Youngstown State University Center for Working Class Studies found that the real 'de-facto' unemployment rate, which includes the unemployed, underemployed, those unable to work due to excess disability, and those on government assistance, is actually 26.37 per cent.

"The free trade agreements with Korea, Panama and Colombia will result in more jobs lost.

"The Korea Free Trade Agreement is projected to increase the U.S. trade deficit by over $16 billion and cost 159,000 American jobs. It is also projected to increase by $700 million the trade deficit in cars and car parts.

"The Panama Free Trade Agreement will make it easier for foreign companies to challenge our domestic laws. Panama, known as one of the world's worst tax havens, is home to 400,000 corporations that incorporate there for tax evasion. According to the U.S. State Department, Panama is also the home of drug money laundering operations by Mexican and Colombian drug cartels.

"Colombia has a violent history opposing unions. 51 unionists were killed in 2010 and another 21 survived attempted murders. 47 more were killed in 2009. After implementing the Central American Free Trade Agreement in 2006, violence against unionists increased dramatically.

"The facts are clear. These trade agreements are bad for America and for American workers and they must be defeated."

Dennis Kucinich is an American politician. A U.S. Representative from Ohio from 1997 to 2013, he was also a candidate for the Democratic nomination for president of the United States in 2004 and 2008.