The Progressive


A project of Common Dreams

For Immediate Release

Seth Gladstone –, 917.363.6615

Press Call - New Study Exposes Dirty Renewable Energy System - With Mark Jacobson

Noted Climate/Energy Scientist Mark Jacobson Will Discuss “Cleanwashing” Study, Which Grades States on Cleanliness of Their Renewable Energy Programs


On a press call today, noted climate scientist Dr. Mark Jacobson will join the research and advocacy group Food & Water Watch to discuss the release of a new study that exposes the dirty reality of renewable energy in America today. The evaluation reveals that many states count filthy, polluting energy sources such as garbage and animal waste incineration as "renewable" under their respective renewable energy portfolio (RPS) initiatives. The study assigns a letter grade to each state evaluated, based on the cleanliness and quality of its RPS programs. Grades range from B- to F.

WHAT: Press call to discuss release of new "Cleanwashing" study on dirty renewable energy in America


  • Dr. Mark Jacobson, noted climate and renewable energy expert, Stanford University;
  • Food & Water Watch report authors and policy experts;
  • Local activists and community leaders fighting dirty "renewable" energy across the country.

WHEN: Today, Tues. July 24, Noon ET / 9 am PT


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