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The Progressive


A project of Common Dreams

For Immediate Release

Tea Party to America: Merry Christmas, Screw You

If you are avoiding politics right now in order to maintain your holiday cheer, please forgive me, but House Republicans are in the process of dropping a $1500 lump of coal/tax hike in the stockings of 160 million Americans and I thought you should know about it.


If you are avoiding politics right now in order to maintain your holiday cheer, please forgive me, but House Republicans are in the process of dropping a $1500 lump of coal/tax hike in the stockings of 160 million Americans and I thought you should know about it.

A few minutes ago - in a move that will cost the average American household $1500 - House Republicans rejected a plan to extend the payroll tax holiday for regular Americans for two months. In a pathetically obvious move to limit the political consequences of the vote, they called for a conference committee which would try to facilitate a 'compromise' with the Senate which passed the tax holiday extension by an 89-10 vote.

I just spent a day in Washington with the Patriotic Millionaires, hearing Republicans argue VEHEMENTLY for the need to maintain tax cuts for people who make more than $1 million a year. Now they want to raise taxes on 160 million regular Americans.

Please call the Honorable (Ha!) John Boehner and tell him Santa Claus hates his guts. Boehner's number is 202 225 6205.

As Patriotic Millionaire Dan Berger argued in a recent U.S. News and World Report column, US tax policy is already skewed in favor of the top 1 percent, who make 1,500 PERCENT MORE THAN EVERYONE ELSE and still pay about the same tax rate as the rest of us, if not less.

Refusing to pass this tax cut means the 99% will pay even more of what the 1% SHOULD BE PAYING to support our country.

In a few days, House Republicans will be off counting their own tax cuts (about 50% of House Republicans are millionaires), vacationing on their yachts, and betting each other whose jet can make it to St. Bart's faster - while 160 million Americans try to come up with an extra $1500 to cover their tab.