The Progressive


A project of Common Dreams

For Immediate Release

Statement on the Minnesota Supreme Court Ruling

Acting Executive Director Kimberly Freeman released the following statement:

"Today's Minnesota Supreme Court ruling marks a victory for Minnesotans
and workers across the country. Their votes have finally been counted
and affirmed, and now Minnesotans are one step closer to having their
voices fully represented in Congress.

Working families should be encouraged by the addition of Sen.-elect
Franken to the growing pro-worker majority in the Senate. Yet the road
ahead for issues of utmost concern to middle-class and working families
is not an easy one.


Acting Executive Director Kimberly Freeman released the following statement:

"Today's Minnesota Supreme Court ruling marks a victory for Minnesotans
and workers across the country. Their votes have finally been counted
and affirmed, and now Minnesotans are one step closer to having their
voices fully represented in Congress.

Working families should be encouraged by the addition of Sen.-elect
Franken to the growing pro-worker majority in the Senate. Yet the road
ahead for issues of utmost concern to middle-class and working families
is not an easy one.

Big Business will continue to be relentless in their attempt to block
any change to a system that favors them. We must not back down in
reminding our leaders that working families are counting on them to
pass legislation such as the Employee Free Choice Act to create more
opportunities in these tough economic times.

Now is the time to create real change and pass the Employee Free
Choice Act so that workers can bargain, not borrow, their way back into
the middle class.

We urge Gov. Tim Pawlenty to sign the election certificate so Sen.-elect Franken can get to work."