The Progressive


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Friends of the Earth International Deplores NSA Bugging of Climate Negotiations

Commenting on the news that the US National Security Agency spied on climate negotiators at the 2009 Copenhagen Climate Summit [1], Dipti Bhatnagar, Friends of the Earth International Climate Justice and Energy coordinator said:

"This scandal may be the straw that broke the camels' back. President Obama must put an end to surveillance activities and stop undermining the UN climate negotiations."


Commenting on the news that the US National Security Agency spied on climate negotiators at the 2009 Copenhagen Climate Summit [1], Dipti Bhatnagar, Friends of the Earth International Climate Justice and Energy coordinator said:

"This scandal may be the straw that broke the camels' back. President Obama must put an end to surveillance activities and stop undermining the UN climate negotiations."

"We are very concerned by the revelations that the US spied on climate negotiators from around the world. Bugging climate negotiators breaks the trust which must be at the very heart of UN talks," she said.

"The UN is the only democratic space where all nations can agree a global climate treaty. They must do so in 2015 in order to reduce carbon emissions globally and provide funds for developing countries to deal with the climate crisis in line with what science and justice demand," she added.

Karen Orenstein, from Friends of the Earth US, said:

"We deplore - though are not surprised by - the revelations that the NSA spied on climate negotiators at the UN Copenhagen Summit. This bad faith practice comes on top of bad policy, as the US systematically poisons crucial climate negotiations, acting in the short term interest of its fossil fuel industry and corporations instead of its people."


Karen Orenstein, from Friends of the Earth US : +1-202-222-0717 (US direct line) or email

Dipti Bhatnagar, Friends of the Earth International Climate Justice and Energy coordinator: +258 840 356 599 (Mozambique mobile) or email


[1] The news was reported on Huffington Post among others:

Friends of the Earth International is the world's largest grassroots environmental network, uniting 74 national member groups and some 5,000 local activist groups on every continent. With over 2 million members and supporters around the world, FOEI campaigns on today's most urgent environmental and social issues.