Amid Criticism Over First Class Flights, Pruitt Cancels Trip, Faces Calls for Accountability

Despite wanting to gut the EPA budget, Pruitt "seems to be totally fine racking up his own massive bill for travel expenditures." (Photo: Lorie Shaull/Flickr/cc)

Amid Criticism Over First Class Flights, Pruitt Cancels Trip, Faces Calls for Accountability

"Enough is enough. #FirePruitt," says Friends of the Earth.

Fallout continues from revelations that EPA head Scott Pruitt has been taking first class flights on the taxpayers' dime--because "We live in a very toxic environment politically," in his words--with the agency saying Sunday that he's canceled a trip to Israel and an environmental organization saying the pricey travel bolsters calls for his ouster.

The Washington Post first reported that Pruitt's scheduled trip to Israel, which would have begun Sunday, was off. "We decided to postpone; the administrator looks forward to going in the future," EPA spokeswoman Liz Bowman said in an email to the Post. She did not provide a reason for the cancellation.

Fallout continues from revelations that EPA head Scott Pruitt has been taking first class flights on the taxpayers' dime--because "We live in a very toxic environment politically," in his words--with the agency saying Sunday that he's canceled a trip to Israel and an environmental organization saying the pricey travel bolsters calls for his ouster.

Another states that "Pruitt has wasted taxpayer dollars to luxuriously jet around the world, promoting fossil fuel production. Enough is enough. #FirePruitt." The organization is also directing people to tell their senators to "Hold Pruitt accountable for using the EPA to support his own lavish lifestyle!"

According to Melinda Pierce, legislative director at the Sierra Club, "If [President Doanld] Trump won't fire Scottt Pruit for ripping off taxpayers, Pruitt should immediately return the taxpayer money."

Her statement also notes that Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price resigned amid sharp criticism over his use of expensive private jets.

Echoing a criticism of Friends of the Earth, Pierce added, "We know Pruitt wants to gut the EPA's budget in nearly every other area, but he seems to be totally fine racking up his own massive bill for travel expenditures."

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