Beyond Crazy Tweets, Sanders Says Policies Expose Trump 'For Fraud He Is'

"The policies [Trump] is proposing are the most destructive policies being proposed in our lifetimes," Sanders argued. (Photo: Twitter/Screenshot)

Beyond Crazy Tweets, Sanders Says Policies Expose Trump 'For Fraud He Is'

"The policies he is proposing are the most destructive policies being proposed in our lifetimes," Sanders said

In an interview on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" Thursday morning, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) urged opponents of President Donald Trump to not allow his "stupid tweets" to distract attention from his "destructive" policies, which include a healthcare plan that could strip insurance from 22 million people and tax proposals that would provide generous cuts to the rich and hikes for the middle class.

Asked to outline an "optimistic scenario" for the next several months in Washington, Sanders said: "I hope we beat [Trumpcare] badly. I hope Trump supporters in rural states understand that what he told them during the campaign that he was going to stand up for working people was nothing but a lie. And if you think this healthcare bill is a disaster, take a look at the budget that he proposed."

Sanders implored the media and activists to emphasize that "the policies he is proposing are the most destructive policies being proposed in our lifetimes."

"He has got to be exposed for the fraud that he is, not just focusing on his temperament and on his tweets," Sanders concluded, "but on his extremely right-wing policy that is paid for by the Koch brothers and other billionaires."

Watch a clip of the interview:

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