US rejects Kremlin's call to scrap missile shield

Russia's President Dmitry Medvedev listens to a question during an interview at the presidential residence in Gorki outside Moscow prior to the Russia-EU Summit, November 13, 2008. Moscow has made clear that its weapons in the Baltic exclave would be pointed at the US defence shield, which it believes could be used offensively against Russia.(REUTERS/RIA Novosti/Kremlin/Astakhov Dmitry)

US rejects Kremlin's call to scrap missile shield

Antagonism between the Kremlin and
the Bush administration over the deployment of missile systems in
Europe deepened yesterday after the US defence secretary, Robert Gates,
accused President Dmitry Medvedev of "provocative, unnecessary and
misguided" plans to station short-range ballistic missiles in Russia's
Baltic exclave, Kaliningrad.

Speaking on a visit to Estonia,
Gates said the plans to place Iskander-M missiles in eastern Europe
were "hardly the welcome a new American administration deserves".

revealed his intention to move Iskander-M tactical missiles into
Kaliningrad during his first annual speech to parliament on November 5
- hours after Barack Obama was elected. He said the deployment was
necessary to "neutralise" interceptor missiles and a radar station that
Washington wants to site in Poland and the Czech Republic.

announcement caused anger in Washington, with Nato and the EU both
expressing trenchant opposition. There were attempts at conciliation at
the weekend, when Medvedev and Obama spoke on the telephone, expressing
a wish to meet soon and mend relations. Separately, the Russian foreign
minister, Sergei Lavrov, and the US secretary of state, Condoleezza
Rice, met on the sidelines of Middle East peace talks in Egypt for what
the state department described as "good and productive" discussions.

yesterday Gates bluntly criticised Medvedev's announcement on moving
Iskanders into Kaliningrad, saying: "Such provocative remarks are
unnecessary and misguided." The US defence secretary rejected calls by
the Kremlin for Washington to throw out its European missile shield
plans, saying the shield was vital to meet threats from rogue states
such as Iran, which had made "active efforts" to develop nuclear

"Frankly I'm not sure what the [Russian] missiles in
Kaliningrad would be for," he told journalists in the Estonian capital,
Tallinn. "After all, the only real emerging threat to Russia's
periphery is Iran, and I don't think the Iskander missile has the range
to get there from Kaliningrad."

Moscow has made clear that its
weapons in the Baltic exclave would be pointed at the US defence
shield, which it believes could be used offensively against Russia.
However, earlier yesterday Medvedev suggested in an interview with
French journalists that the Kremlin might review its Kaliningrad
deployment if Washington backed off on its missile defence plans.

could reverse the decision if the new US administration re-examined the
effectiveness of deploying these rockets and radars," Medvedev said.
"In particular, how adequate a means they would really be for reacting
to threats from so-called rogue states."

Gates also pushed
strongly yesterday for Ukraine to be given a roadmap to Nato membership
at a meeting of the alliance's ministers next month. The Germans and
French are strongly opposed to this. But Jaak Aaviksoo, the Estonian
defence minister, told the Guardian after seeing Gates: "The US was
very persistent on this."

He said of Moscow's threat to deploy
missiles in Kaliningrad: "When you put missiles near our borders, it's
not a friendly move. I think the Russians will reconsider."

In a nutshell

In a reminder of tensions over Georgia yesterday, an adviser to French president Nicolas Sarkozy revealed details of a conversation between his boss and the Russian prime minister, Vladimir Putin. The two met in Moscow on August 12, just days after war had erupted between Russia and Georgia over breakaway South Ossetia. "I am going to hang Saakashvili by the balls," Putin said of the Georgian leader, Mikheil Saakashvili.
Sarkozy responded: "Hang him?" Putin responded: "Why not? The Americans
hanged Saddam." Sarkozy replied: "Yes, but do you want to end up like Bush?" Putin said: "You have scored a point there."

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