Virtual Poor People's Campaign Rally Draws Crowd of More Than a Million

The virtual rallies over the weekend organized by the Poor People's Campaign "lifted up people who are living the interconnected injustices that have been the campaign's focus for the past two years: systemic racism, poverty and inequality, ecological devastation, and militarism and the war economy. Many spoke of how the Covid-19 pandemic has only deepened existing inequalities." (Photo: Poor People's Campaign)

Virtual Poor People's Campaign Rally Draws Crowd of More Than a Million

Through personal testimonies of systemic racism, poverty and inequality, ecological devastation, and militarism—the event brought the campaign's bold fusion agenda to new audiences.

President Trump drew a smaller crowd than he expected for his rally this past Saturday, but that wasn't the case for the Poor People's Campaign. Well more than a million people viewed the campaign's Mass Poor People's Assembly and Moral March on Washington via Facebook that same day. Many more viewed MSNBC and C-SPAN simulcasts and two repeat broadcasts over the weekend.

According to organizers, the three and a half hour event was "the largest digital and social media gathering of poor and low-wealth people, moral and religious leaders, advocates, and people of conscience in this nation's history."

The virtual rally lifted up people who are living the interconnected injustices that have been the campaign's focus for the past two years: systemic racism, poverty and inequality, ecological devastation, and militarism and the war economy. Many spoke of how the Covid-19 pandemic has only deepened existing inequalities.

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