The Progressive


A project of Common Dreams

For Immediate Release

Monica Escobedo,

Justice Alito's Refusal to Recuse From January 6 Cases Sparks Calls for Supreme Court Ethics Reform

In a letter to Senators Dick Durbin and Sheldon Whitehouse, senior members of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito rejected their calls for his recusal from cases involving January 6th. Durbin and Whitehouse urged Chief Justice John Roberts to act following reports that symbols supporting the January 6th insurrection were displayed at Alito’s homes in Virginia and New Jersey.

Stand Up America’s Managing Director of Policy and Political Affairs, Brett Edkins, issued the following statement:

“Justice Alito’s refusal to recuse himself from cases related to January 6th is unacceptable. By dismissing concerns about potential bias and conflicts of interest and placing the blame on his wife, he is making a mockery of the fundamental principles of impartiality and fairness upon which the Supreme Court was founded.

“The Senate must take immediate action to address this bald-faced display of judicial misconduct. Majority Leader Schumer should schedule a floor vote on a binding code of conduct for justices, and Senator Durbin should fulfill his duty as chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee by launching a thorough investigation into Justice Alito’s actions and corruption on the Court.”

Stand Up America is a progressive advocacy organization with over two million community members across the country. Focused on grassroots advocacy to strengthen our democracy and oppose Trump's corrupt agenda, Stand Up America has driven over 600,000 phone calls to Congress and mobilized tens of thousands of protestors across the country.