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The Progressive


A project of Common Dreams

For Immediate Release
Contact: Joe Shansky,(414) 218-3331

In Wisconsin Senate Debate, Feingold Stands for Immigrants & Working Families, Johnson Embraces Trump

In response to Tuesday's debate between Wisconsin Senate candidates Ron Johnson and Russ Feingold, Voces de la Frontera Action issued the following statement from Executive Director Christine Neumann-Ortiz:


In response to Tuesday's debate between Wisconsin Senate candidates Ron Johnson and Russ Feingold, Voces de la Frontera Action issued the following statement from Executive Director Christine Neumann-Ortiz:

"On Tuesday night, Ron Johnson embraced some of the most extreme aspects of Donald Trump's agenda and rhetoric. He was also dishonest about his own positions and their impact. Johnson echoed Trump's baseless and dangerous claims about a rigged election and urged supporters to be poll watchers to prevent non-existent voter fraud, a clear invitation to intimidate voters, particularly African-Americans, Latinxs and Muslims. Like Trump, Johnson embraced Trump's anti-worker policies, such as opposing a living wage. Johnson failed to acknowledge his own Senate voting record of opposing a minimum wage increase, and during the debate, appeared to flip flop, stating that his new position is to raise the $7.25 minimum wage only as high as inflation. This limited increase would still keep working people in poverty. Johnson and Trump alike are corporate CEOs who can't relate to the struggles of working people. Both have personally profited from the stagnation of workers' wages and from pro-business trade agreements like the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which Johnson voted to fast-track.

"On immigrant rights, Johnson's proposed massive guest worker programs run by individual states would further drive down wages and labor conditions for all workers, who would compete with a very oppressed, controlled workforce. The Southern Poverty Law Center has said these guest worker programs are "close to slavery." Johnson failed to acknowledge that migration from Mexico to the US is net-zero. Instead of wasting more resources to increase militarization of the border, we need greater accountability and human rights protections. We need to address how our own foreign policy - especially pro-corporate free trade agreements and US support for repressive governments - contributes to forced migration from other countries.

"In sharp contrast, Russ Feingold put forward a vision of government responsive to working people, including immigrant families, and set out clear policy objectives to advance these goals. Feingold made a strong case for comprehensive immigration reform with a path to citizenship for the 11 million undocumented families in the United States today, which polls show over 60% of the country supports, as well as 60% of Wisconsinites. Feingold affirmed the dignity of all working people when he said immigrant workers should not have to fear the police or fear they'll be separated from their families when they're driving to work. Feingold also recognized the vital contributions immigrants make to the Wisconsin and US economy, pointing out that the dairy industry and manufacturing depends on immigrant workers, and that Wisconsin industry supports a path to citizenship. Russ Feingold was confident and informed, and he clearly articulated his pro-worker positions and exposed Johnson's pro-corporate record. Latinxs will vote in record numbers on November 8, 2016 and the choice could not be clearer."

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Voces de la Frontera is Wisconsin's leading immigrant rights group - a grassroots organization that believes power comes from below and that people can overcome injustice to build a better world.