The Progressive


A project of Common Dreams

For Immediate Release
Contact: Phone:,(202) 232-3317,Email:,

Move the Movement and End the War


Pressure from military circles, the right wing, Congressional
Republicans and Blue Dog Democrats has set the political stage for a
national security policy that includes the largest defense budget in our
nation's history and two major escalations of the war in Afghanistan.
And that's just in the last year.

It's time for the
progressive movement to rise to this challenge and counter this
pressure from conservatives to set our foreign policy on a new path --
starting with the escalating war in Afghanistan. Congress is poised to
approve a major supplemental funding bill to provide another $33
billion for the war. With unemployment the highest its been in decades
and millions of taxpayers forced out of their homes by forclosure this
money is desperately needed for nation-building here at home. And even
as the war in Afghanistan officially becomes the longest war in US
history this week, we still have no commitment from the President on
when the last of our troops will come. It's time for progressive
voices to be heard in this debate.

Call your Representative now at
(202) 224-3121 and tell them to:

1. Vote NO on the 2010 War

2. Co-Sponsor Rep. McGovern's
bill, HR 5015, requiring a timeline for withdrawal of US troops from

Beating the powerful forces in Washington calling for more troops and
more war won't be easy, and we need all the help we can get. Ask your
friends to help "move the movement" by tweeting this message and making
it our status on Facebook, LinkedIn and other social networking sites:

#MoveTheMovement and end the
#Afghanistan war! Tell Congress NO MORE WAR $$$ #p2 #afn10 Pls RT!

Be sure to sign up for our email list at right and follow us on
twitter, @winwithoutwar, for up-to-date info on how we can end the war
in Afghanistan!

Why We Need to End the War:

  • This week, the war in Afghanistan officially
    surpassed the Vietnam War as the longest war in US history.
  • A recent poll by ABC News / Washington Post showed that 52%
    of Americans believe the war in Afghanistan has not been worth it.
  • On May 27, Marine Cpl. Jacob C. Leicht became the
    1,000th American serviceman killed in Afghanistan.
    He was
    only 24 years old.
  • The direct cost for the
    wars in Iraq and Afghanistan now exceeds $1 trillion dollars.

    For the same cost, the United States could transition to a clean
    energy economy so we could solve global warming, pay the salaries of 2
    million teachers for a decade, or give $1,000 to every one of the
    billion children around the world living in poverty.
  • Spending
    over $100 billion this year alone sending nearly 100,000 troops
    half-way around the world to defend against what the President's
    National Security Advisor Jim Jones admitted is less than 100 members
    of al Qaeda in Afghanistan doesn't make any sense and it doesn't make
    America any safer.

Win Without War is a diverse network of activists and organizations working for a more peaceful, progressive U.S. foreign policy. We believe that by democratizing U.S. foreign policy and providing progressive alternatives, we can achieve more peaceful, just, and common sense policies that ensure that all people--regardless of race, nationality, gender, religion, or economic status--can find and take advantage of opportunity equally and feel secure.