The Progressive


A project of Common Dreams

For Immediate Release

Naomi Seligman 202.408.5565

CREW Releases 'Revolving Door' - An Investigation Into Washington's Favorite Pastime


Today, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) released Revolving Door,
a first-ever comprehensive look into the activities of 24 members of
President Bush's cabinet. The 108-page report is based on a six-month
CREW investigation.

CREW's newest report demonstrates that the "revolving door" remains
open. After leaving their government positions, many of these top
officials joined the ranks of the companies they once regulated where
they are highly compensated. In many instances, they have helped their
new employers obtain lucrative government grants and contracts.

The report names the companies these former officials have joined
and the private interests for which they have advocated. Perhaps more
importantly, it also reveals the power they continue to wield within
the halls of government.

Highlights from Revolving Door include:

- 17 former cabinet officials hold positions with a total of 119 companies.

- 17 former officials hold positions with 65 companies that lobby the federal government.

- 15 former officials hold positions with 40 companies that lobby those officials' former agencies.

- 9 former cabinet members hold positions with 15 companies that
began or resumed lobbying the former officials' agencies after those
officials joined the companies.

- The most prodigious corporate advisor appears to be former
Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services Tommy
Thompson, who has worked for 42 different companies since leaving the
Bush administration.

Melanie Sloan, CREW's Executive Director, stated, "CREW's
investigation has shown that most of these former Bush administration
officials have cannily leveraged their time spent in the public sector.
By using their government positions as springboards to new lucrative
opportunities, they have successfully made a mint on the backs of
American taxpayers. It may be legal, but it is certainly not honorable."

Read the full report in the Related Documents section on the right.

Click here to read the exhibit entries for each profiled official.

Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to promoting ethics and accountability in government and public life by targeting government officials -- regardless of party affiliation -- who sacrifice the common good to special interests. CREW advances its mission using a combination of research, litigation and media outreach.