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Ahead of Pivotal Climate Talks, Urgent 'Wake Up' Call to Target Trump Hotel

A sign from the Peoples Climate March outside Trump Hotel. (Photo: Oil Change International/Twitter)

Ahead of Pivotal Climate Talks, Urgent 'Wake Up' Call to Target Trump Hotel

Pulling the U.S. from the Paris agreement is 'not the end of the road for climate action—if we keep speaking out'

Putting a fine point on the demand that President Donald Trump finally "wake up" to the climate crisis, hundreds of protesters are preparing to flood the lobby of his Washington, D.C. hotel in a pre-dawn action on Tuesday.

To draw attention to the urgency of the moment, the Peoples Climate Movement said that "a startlingly loud alarm clock will be rung to wake up hotel guests." While not greeting the president himself, the early morning action might be enough to deter some of his patrons from returning to the Trump family business.

Campaigners will then march to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), where Trump is scheduled to meet with EPA administer Scott Pruitt, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Ivanka Trump, and others to discuss whether or not he will pull the U.S. out of the Paris climate agreement.

Such a move, organizers say, "would be dangerous, detrimental, and downright irresponsible."

Demonstrators say they will try to block the building's entrance as they amplify the demand that Trump commit to "staying in the Paris Agreement, fully commit to implementing the Clean Power Plan, and go even further in terms of action to address climate to curb global warming."

However, the president's record thus far on issues such as the environment and fossil fuel emissions does not bode well for those requests.

Around the globe, concern has grown in recent days over the outcome of that meeting. It is being held at the same time that international negotiators are convening in Bonn, Germany to hash out implementation of the climate accord at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

Notably, the Trump administration has sent only seven people to the global talks, a "much smaller delegation than in recent years," according to a State Department spokesperson, which many are interpreting as a reflection of the president's commitment.

In an email Monday, senior global digital campaigns manager Duncan Meisel said that the climate movement cannot be deterred by such threats.

Pulling the U.S. from the agreement is "not the end of the road for climate action," Meisel wrote, "if we keep speaking out."

"In this moment," he continued, "it's crucial that people everywhere demonstrate that political momentum for climate action is unstoppable--so that every world leader, CEO, and local government official keeps their priorities straight and fights for our future, not the profits of the coal, oil, and gas industry. Our best tool is showing that millions of people continue to stand for climate progress and to push our institutions worldwide to show the kind of climate leadership that Trump simply cannot."

To that end, Trump's businesses will see a flurry of excitement on Tuesday. New Yorkers are holding a teach-in and rally in Trump Tower's public garden "to #TeachTrump about climate change inside his own home." The demonstration, which is coordinated as part of the Global Divestment Mobilization, is also calling on New York City Comptroller Scott Stringer to divest the city's pension funds from the fossil fuel industry.

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