If you think the bonuses you are
paying to AIG executives or the money flow from AIG bailout funds to foreign
banks is shocking, wait until you get a load of what will be sold to you as
healthcare reform. That is, unless we all actually call the hand right now and
tell Congress we will hold them directly accountable should they set us up for
healthcare collapse by funding huge healthcare insurance company CEO bonuses
with our money.
Listen to the plans. We'll all be mandated to pay for
health insurance. Since we'll
have to catch those who won't pay the forced premiums, we'll have to pay taxes to support enforcement
operations to make sure we all purchase health insurance. And, if some
of the Senators get their way, we'll be
taxed on any coverage we are forced to purchase through our employers (even President Obama is now saying he'll
consider that too). Does this sound like universal, guaranteed
healthcare to you?
Me neither. It sounds like a Ponzi scheme-like bailout of
the health insurance and large corporate hospitals. But they'll do their best to make it sound like
we're buying into health reform.
John Wasik reported in Bloomberg last week that 14,000
Americans are losing their employer-based private health insurance benefits
every day right now. 14,000 every single day. How anxious do you suppose
those insurance companies are to replace those lost customers? And if I keep
seeing Karen Ignagni, CEO of America's Health insurance Plans (AHIP),
front and center at every White House healthcare forum and at the front of the
room in every Senate briefing, I'll be 100 percent certain that the
strings on this puppet show are being deftly controlled by corporate insurance
We will get what we allow Congress to pass.
What we'll actually be buying will be more of what we
have now. People will still have care denied. People will still go bankrupt.
Moms with cancer will still fight with insurance companies while they prepare their
children to live without them (as Obama's mother did).
Unless we uncover the scam and stay clearly on the message
of what we want and what we fought to elect this President to do, we will get a
lot less than we need to secure the basic human right of healthcare. And a
year or two from now we'll gather around our TV sets and computers and
show our rage at the insurance and hospital corporation CEO bonuses paid for
with our forced participation in the scheme. We can stop it. We can stop it now.
We can pass publicly funded, privately delivered healthcare
for all. But we have to stand together to say we understand what they are
trying to pull off and it won't work.
Come to Des Moines this Monday morning and stand with us to
tell those meeting inside the third regional White House Forum on Health Reform
we want single payer now.
Let's stand together
before we allow the scheme to move forward:
Monday, March 23rd @ 9:00
at the Polk County Convention Center,
501 Grand Ave,
Des Moines, IA.