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The Progressive


A project of Common Dreams

For Immediate Release
Contact: Linda Benesch,,

Big Pharma Owns the Trump Administration

The following is a statement from Alex Lawson, Executive Director of


The following is a statement from Alex Lawson, Executive Director of Social Security Works, on Donald Trump's upcoming speech on drug pricing:

"Donald Trump works for the prescription drug industry, not the people. He talked a big game on the campaign trail and immediately after the election, but tough rhetoric means nothing if it is not matched by actions.

Trump's speech today will include yet more tough talk, but no one should be fooled. He promised that he would let Medicare negotiate lower prices, but now he has completely caved to the drug corporations and is blocking Medicare from doing so.

Far from taking on the prescription drug corporations, Trump has put them in charge and made the US government the industry's enforcer, bullying countries around the world into raising drug prices. Even knowing that pharma owns DC, this is a new low of industry control of government. I wonder if Donald Trump will get a new title and paycheck from big pharma to go along with all the work he is doing for it."

Social Security Works' mission is to: Protect and improve the economic security of disadvantaged and at-risk populations; Safeguard the economic security of those dependent, now or in the future, on Social Security; and Maintain Social Security as a vehicle of social justice.