What's Changed in Washington?

Think things have changed in Washington? You might be surprised by a quick review of today's headlines.

On Tuesday, the U.S. Senate approved a $636 billion defense-spending bill, a few billion less than what the Obama administration actually requested and significantly more than the Bush administration's last appropriation's bill.

Think things have changed in Washington? You might be surprised by a quick review of today's headlines.

On Tuesday, the U.S. Senate approved a $636 billion defense-spending bill, a few billion less than what the Obama administration actually requested and significantly more than the Bush administration's last appropriation's bill.

The LA Times reports
that the administration probably won't meet its deadline to shut down
Guantanamo. "It's going to be difficult,"the Attorney General told
reporters at the Justice Department Tuesday. The administration's plans
have apparenlty been complicated by a House vote to prohibit the
transfer of terrorism suspects to US prisons.

On the subject of executive authority, the administration had little interest in Sen. Russ Feingold's hearing on so-called "czars." When
it comes to executive branch appointees who do not require senate
confirmation, Robert Gibbs said, "I would assume that Congress and
Senator Feingold have more weighty topics to grapple with than
something like this."

Finally, Politico reports
that during the president's visit to the United Nations Senior Advisor
David Axelrod met with Fox CEO Roger Ailes over coffee. Apparently they
discussed news coverage and the "relationship between the two
organizations." HUH?

Now, I'm no defender of Fox as anyone who watches this show knows.
But why is the president's top advisor meeting with the network? And
which organizations is he talking about? Maybe we need a czar to find

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