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Obama Out-Hawks McCain

Barack Obama not only had the good judgment to oppose the war in Iraq,
he argued for the need "to end the mindset that took us into" that war.
So it was troubling that tonight---in the first of the three
presidential debates-- a man of such good judgment called for an end to
the war in Iraq in order to escalate US military forces in Afghanistan.
(This holds true not just for the two men on the Democratic ticket but
for too many Democrats in Washington who argue, mantra-like, that we
need to leave Iraq in order to free additional troops to serve in "the
right war.&qu

Barack Obama not only had the good judgment to oppose the war in Iraq,
he argued for the need "to end the mindset that took us into" that war.
So it was troubling that tonight---in the first of the three
presidential debates-- a man of such good judgment called for an end to
the war in Iraq in order to escalate US military forces in Afghanistan.
(This holds true not just for the two men on the Democratic ticket but
for too many Democrats in Washington who argue, mantra-like, that we
need to leave Iraq in order to free additional troops to serve in "the
right war.")

A few weeks ago, a friend sent me an e-mail. "Here is a future dictionary entry for Afghanistan," he wrote.

"Afghanistan. The place where the dreams and hopes of the Obama Presidency are buried."

I flinched when I read the note. But it rang true. Obama risks
creating a bipartisan consensus that will entrap the US in another
costly occupation---draining resources needed to fulfill his (already
limited) promises for economic growth, health care and social justice
at home. Such escalation will also crowd out other international
initiatives and alienate those allies we need to reengage the world on
terms other than the so-called "war on terror."

At other times, though not tonight, Obama has spoken forcefully as
the first 21st century candidate---addressing the limits of military
force in a world whose central challenges are pandemics, nuclear
proliferation, global inequality, and climate change. These are issues
which McCain has no clue how to address. He is a man who craves the
reassuring reflexes of the early Cold War era, when military power was
the appropriate response to any provocation. Tonight, though, at too
many key moments, Obama played on McCain's turf. Instead of playing to
the future, forcefully, with toughness and passion, Obama was the young
hawk trying to out-hawk the old uber-hawk. Obama can do better. We can
do better. I know Obama wasn't courting me --but those elusive ---and
infuriating --swing, undecided voters. (And the post-debate polls show
Obama beating McCain among this group!)

Still, we confront grave, new security issues : a metastasizing
financial crisis that threatens to evict millions from their homes,
kill their kids' hopes for college and ravage their pensions . And in
the long haul, we're going to face a ferocious fight to preserve the
progressive agenda. Already tonight, debate moderator Jim Lehrer pushed
the candidates to tell us what they would give up considering the
bailout's costs. But as economist Jamie Galbraith argues, these are
times not to balance budgets but to invest in the infrastructure which
has made this country strong. Obama will need to speak more
effectively, more boldly, more passionately about the new challenges

If elected, Senator Obama has the chance to be a transformational
president. His election, if followed through with smart and just
policies, could turn a page on the reckless and destructive ones of the
extremist Bush Administration. But tonight he showed himself to be a
raging minimalist.

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