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Once Upon a Time

Once upon a time in a land called California, there was born a beautiful baby named Casey.

Casey's mom and dad knew from the minute he was born that he was a very special baby. He had dark hazel eyes that seemed to penetrate into the hearts of people who met his intense gaze. He was a cheerful baby that grew into a cheerful, yet shy boy.

Casey loved baseball, video games and playing make believe games with his younger siblings. He was a loving and fun big brother to his sisters and brother. Casey grew close with each sibling in different ways. His bright and mature sister, Carly, was his confidant and closest mischief maker. With his brother, Andy, Casey would wrestle and play endless video games, huddled closely on the floor in front of the TV set. Casey would carry his youngest sister, Janey (the baby) to bed each night and tell her a bedtime story, kiss her goodnight and make sure there were no monsters in her closet.

Casey also loved his faith and was devoted to the Catholic Church. The young boy Casey became an Altar Server when he was eight and continued that ministry until he graduated from high school. Casey never missed mass, and many around him were sure he would someday be a priest.

Although quiet and thoughtful, Casey had a very good sense of humor---long funny stories were not his forte, but he was adept at one-line zingers that would often surprise and delight his mom.

One day in the land of California, an emissary from the Kingdom's Army knocked on Casey's door and beguiled him (through a spell of broken promises of riches, adventure and learning,) to join the Army of the Kingdom. One very terrible day, a few years later, the evil Ruler of the Kingdom, George III, sent Casey off to a wicked war and Casey was killed trying to save the lives of fellow members of the Army of the Kingdom.

Casey did not live happily every after.

Casey's mom and dad and brother and sisters and many other relatives and friends miss him so much and long for his "happily ever afters."

Once upon the same time in the land of California, there was a Ruler in the Caste of the Democrats named Nancy Pelosi. She told Casey's mom to her face that she was very sorry for Casey dying and that she was doing everything she could to stop other Casey's from meeting the same fate. Years later, Casey's mom found out that this Pelosi wench knew all along what the evil Ruler George III was up to when he threw innocent people into torture chambers. The Pelosi wench knew that torture would lead to the deaths of many Caseys, but she did not use her power to stop this. Casey's mom finally understood why the Pelosi wench did not use her legal force to stop the evil Ruler George III or his war: she was and is complicit in the crimes of the Kingdom.

This sad tale is told because the Rulers of the Kingdom, in both Castes, misused Casey and thousands of others as pawns in their foul game of global domination.

If the "peasants" in the Kingdom of George and Nancy do not wake up and rise up to stop the oppression and murder by the evil rulers, no one (except the evil Rulers and their consorts) will live happily ever after.

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