President Donald Trump's chief strategist and noted hatemonger Steve Bannon may have inadvertently revealed his to-do list in a series of photos posted to social media this week.
Bannon posed for pictures with Republican Rabbi Shmuley Boteach and other visitors who came to the White House on Tuesday to mark the anniversary of Israel's establishment in 1948. The images, which Boteach posted on Twitter, show various angles of a whiteboard checklist, previously unseen but described by reporters, in the background.
The whiteboard is separated into categories, with one of the visible sections referring to "tax reform," "bills," and other various "pledges." One item appears to say, "Lower the corporate tax rate."
Another legible area seems to be devoted to immigration issues, with the 'completed' items including: "Suspend the Syrian refugee program;" "End catch-and-release," the policy that allows undocumented immigrants to live freely in the U.S. while they wait for legal proceedings; "Triple the number of ICE [Immigration and Customs Enforcement] agents;" and "Hire 5,000 more Border Patrol agents."
Not all of the checked-off items have been fully implemented, a reflection of the Trump administration's tendency to inflate its own achievements. For example, the White House has only ordered the hiring of more Border Patrol and ICE agents; the process for application, vetting, training, and deploying means it will likely take years before those numbers are hit.
Still, the list reveals some ominous objectives--and some real accomplishments, such as a reference to the Victims of Immigration Crime Engagement (VOICE) Office, which was launched in April and promptly overwhelmed with hoax calls about UFOs.
There is also an item about Trump's proposed U.S.-Mexico border wall, which gets cut off in one of the photos after the words, "Build the border wall and eventually make Mexico [...]"
Other fragments read, " defeat ISIS," "Tel Aviv to Jerusalem," and "Sunset our visa laws so that Congress is forced...revise and revisit them."
The Telegraph has more.