CIA's Plan to Crush Leaks Gets Leaked

CIA director John Brennan

CIA's Plan to Crush Leaks Gets Leaked

Memo written by CIA director John Brennan describes plan to "reinforce corporate culture of secrecy"

A CIA memo detailing the agency's plans to crush leaks has itself been leaked.

The Associated Pressreported Wednesday evening that it had "obtained" a memo written by CIA director John Brennan--a man tied to leaks of his own--describing a new campaign to keep CIA officials from leaking information to the media.

The campaign is called "Honor the Oath," the news agency reports, and aims to "reinforce [the CIA's] corporate culture of secrecy."

As Firedoglake's DSWright notes:

For generations people have been saying that the CIA, mostly run by the elite and children of the elite, were gangsters for corporate capitalism. Now we know they view themselves more in a business context as well.

AP reports that the campaign was created as a result of a review of the agency's security initiated by former CIA director David Petraeus last summer following a series of leaks.


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