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It's Harry Reid's Choice: Reconciliation = Majority Rule

As the majority leader of the Senate, the power to pass a public
option is squarely in Harry Reid's hands. Will he let three or four
corrupt Senators owned by the insurance industry hold the public option
hostage? Or will he use the reconciliation process to allow a simple,
democratic majority rule?

During debate in the Senate this weekend, a handful of corrupt
Democratic senators like Blanche Lincoln and Mary Landrieu, who have
taken big donations from insurance companies, promised to vote against health care if it included a public option.

We know who they are working for - the insurance companies who want to kill the public option once and for all. Goldman Sachs expects
insurance stocks to rise by 59% in 10 years if there is no public
option, but drop by 36% if there is one. That's what happens when
nobody likes your product. Their fat profits depend on being the only
game in town.

The only way these insurance industry shills can keep a public
option from passing is by stopping the bill from ever coming to a
vote. If Harry Reid can't even get them in line for a simple
procedural vote, then he can use "reconciliation" to restore democracy
to the Senate and call for a majority vote on the public option.
Otherwise, Harry Reid is using his power as Majority Leader to allow a
handful of corrupt senators thwart the democratic process.

We can't let that happen.

The American people understand that. That's why 72% support a public option,
to end insurance monopolies, increase competition and control the
crushing burden of health care costs for American families. A majority
in the Senate understands that, too - that's why 51 have said they will vote for a bill with a public option.

It comes down to a simple question: will Harry Reid allow for
majority rule? Or will he let corrupt members of his own caucus block
a majority of the public and Congress who want a public option?

Let Harry Reid know the public option rests on his shoulders. Click here to sign our petition.

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