RESIST DAY #61: What You Can Do Today

Resistance in your community, across the country, and around the globe

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

  • Join the #ResistTrumpTuesday effort (you won't be alone)
    People's Action affiliates around the country have pledged to stage public events every Tuesday in resistance to President Donald Trump's agenda and to strengthen our movement for a people-and-planet agenda that serves the needs of all people, not just the wealthy and powerful.
  • Organize to #StopGorsuch from becoming next U.S. Supreme Court Justice
    With the second day of his confirmation hearings underway, join national and local efforts to keep Neil Gorsuch from being confirmed to the nation's highest court.
    Says People for the American, the group behind "Supreme Court justices should understand that the Constitution protects all of us, not just the wealthy and privileged. But Donald Trump has nominated Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court, a judge whose record does not demonstrate respect for our constitutional values of liberty, equality, and justice for all."
    • Call your U.S. Senators and tell them you oppose Gorsuch
    • Read the Indivisible Guide's "Supremely Extreme: Filibuster Gorsuch" resource page.
    • Join the #WeObject and #StopGorsuch campaigns both nationally and in your local community. Resources here.

  • Take the Daily Action's daily action focused on delaying a vote on Neil Gorsuch
    Today's Daily Action is to insist that your Senators either postpone Neil Gorsuch's hearing or vote no on his nomination to the Supreme Court. Yesterday, FBI Director James Comey testified under oath that the FBI had begun investigating the collusion between Trump's campaign and Russia in the run-up to the election. They began last July, and the fact that they are still at it eight months later speaks volumes. The Senate should not confirm the lifetime appointments of a President whose very legitimacy is being investigated by the FBI.
  • Tell your member of congress to #ProtectOurCare and #SaveMedicaid
    • Call your representative NOW using the district-specific Affordable Care Act numbers provided by Contacting Congress.
    • Better yet, visit the local office of your elected member of congress and tell them in person you oppose #RyanCare #Trumpcare (or whatever name GOP wants to use). More resources here.
    • Indivisible has provides additional resources and information here.
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