Closely following the latest leak from the National Security Agency indicating that the Russian government may have attempted to compromise key voter registration files in a number of states, the filmmaker Michael Moore on Tuesday announced the launch of TrumpiLeaks, a website that will provide "courageous whistleblowers" with an outlet to ensure that crucial information continues making its way to the public.
In a letter published in the Huffington Post, Moore explained why he decided to create the site.
From the time you opened this letter to the time you get to the bottom of it, there's a decent chance that our president will have violated the constitution, obstructed justice, lied to the American people, encouraged or supported acts of violence, or committed some horrible mistake that would've ended any other politician's career (or sent you or I to jail).
And just like all the times he's done so in the past, he will get away with it. Donald Trump thinks he's above the law. He acts like he's the above the law. He's STATED that he's above the law. And by firing Sally Yates, Preet Bharara and James Comey (3 federal officials with SOME authority to hold him accountable) he's taken the first few steps to make it official.
The website claims to offer "high-powered encryption technology" and is geared toward "patriotic Americans in government, law enforcement, or the private sector with knowledge of crimes, breaches of public trust and misconduct committed by Donald J. Trump and his associates." Ultimately, Moore concludes, the site was created "in the name of protecting the United States of America from tyranny."
Throughout the 2016 election season, Moore warned of the possibility of a Trump victory, writing in July that despite the widely-held view that he would be trounced in November, the reality television star could pull it off in the end.
Now Moore has turned his attention to exposing the misdeeds of the White House. His forthcoming film, titled Fahrenheit 11/9, which was conceived with the goal of "dissolving Trump's 'Teflon' shield and, in turn, his presidency," is set to premiere in August.