RESIST DAY #58: What You Can Do Today

RESIST DAY #58: What You Can Do Today

Resistance in your community, across the country, and around the globe

Saturday, March 18, 2017

  • Attend a Town Hall in your district and tell your lawmaker to stand against the Trump/Republican agenda
    With members of congress back in their districts for a long weekend, Town Halls and similar events are happening locally nationwide
  • Tell your lawmaker you want them to #ProtectOurCare against Republican's plan to dismantle Affordable Care Act and Medicaid
    Following this week's release of the CBO's "devastating" analysis of the House GOP's plan to destroy healthcare, the time is now to step up the pressure on your elected lawmaker to oppose this legislation
  • Organize to #StopGorsuch from becoming U.S. Supreme Court Justice
    With his confirmation hearings set to begin Monday, join national and local efforts to keep Neil Gorsuch from being confirmed to the nation's highest court
    • Call your U.S. Senators and tell them you oppose Gorsuch
    • Join the #WeObject and #StopGorsuch campaigns both national or in your community. Resources here.
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