Is Netanyahu Planning Nuclear Attack on Iran?

Kadima leader Shaul Mofaz unveiling his party's campaign slogan at a press conference in Tel Aviv on Thursday. His campaign poster says "Bibi will endanger Israel" over the image of a mushroom cloud. (Photo/Yaron Brenner)

Is Netanyahu Planning Nuclear Attack on Iran?

The Sunday Times of London is reporting that 'Rivals fear Israel's Binyamin Netanyahu is plotting nuclear strike on Iran.'

Netanyahu thinks ballistic missiles carrying tactical nuclear warheads will be necessary to take out Iran's Fordow uranium enrichment facility near the city of Qom. The site is buried deep beneath a mountain.

The Sunday Times of London is reporting that 'Rivals fear Israel's Binyamin Netanyahu is plotting nuclear strike on Iran.'

Netanyahu thinks ballistic missiles carrying tactical nuclear warheads will be necessary to take out Iran's Fordow uranium enrichment facility near the city of Qom. The site is buried deep beneath a mountain.

Western sources say Israel firing a Jericho-3 missile carrying a tactical nuclear warhead would be "sufficient to 'bury' the plant." The United States is the only nation that has used nuclear weapons thus far.

From The Sunday Times:

Well aware of the hostile international response to even the suggestion of a nuclear attack, the option is not being debated publicly. But last week it was referred to indirectly by Shaul Mofaz, head of the Kadima party and leader of the opposition.

For some time Mr Mofaz, 64, a former defense minister and one of the few Israeli politicians privy to the country's nuclear secrets, has believed that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is playing a dangerous game.

Mr Mofaz shocked many Israelis last week when during a press conference he unveiled a poster showing a red mushroom cloud with the slogan: "Bibi will endanger Israel."

Most Israelis assumed the poster referred to the Iranian threat. But its message may have been more subtle, hinting at an argument that Mr Mofaz cannot articulate in public: that he believes Mr Netanyahu could be considering a nuclear option.

Mr Netanyahu signaled in a television interview last week that he was prepared to strike Iran without the support of the US. "When David Ben-Gurion declared the foundation of the state of Israel, was it done with American approval?" he asked.

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