UC Davis Pepper Spray Victims Settle for $30,000 Each

No applause for UC Davis; students say university got off easy

The University of California Davis will now pay roughly $30,000 to each of the 21 students who were aggressively pepper sprayed at a peaceful protest at the University last year.

The students, represented by the American Civil Liberties Union, were able to squeeze $1 million total from the university, which covered lawyer costs, student reparations, and additional funds for future claims which will be decided on at a later date.

Plaintiff Enosh Baker, 27, told the San Fransisco Chronicle Wednesday that the students aimed for a 'timely settlement' in order to keep attention on the act of police brutality, but emphasized that the University should not be applauded for agreeing to the settlement.

The university never admitted wrongdoing and the officer who pepper-sprayed the students was cleared of any charges of illegal use of force this week by the Yolo County district attorney.

"In all, the university got off fairly easy," Baker said.

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