In an ongoing tragicomedy of malignant errors, Senate Minority Leader, racist turtle and "sloppy first attempt at a pancake with blueberry eyes" Mitch McReaper scrambled to defend his indefensible "Klanian slip" this week suggesting he views African-American voters as a different species from "American" voters, and never mind this country was built on their black ancestors' oft-whipped backs. Asked how African-American voters might respond to his retrogade party of thugs blocking the John Lewis Voting Rights Act, he infamously replied, "The concern is misplaced, because if you look at the statistics, African-American(s) are voting in just as high a percentage as Americans"; also, if you look at the video, you can see him re-enforce his screaming dogwhistle with a repugnant them-and-us flip of his limp hand. At a Friday press conference amidst a storm of entirely understandable outrage, he huffed it was "deeply offensive" and an "outrageous mischaracterization" of his stellar civil rights record - except for all the times he's said Jim-Crow-y things or smirkingly posed in front of a giant Confederate flag - to suggest he was partaking in the othering of people of color just because he "inadvertently" omitted a word that he then had to come back twice to the mic to fumblingly identify as either "almost," or "all," or, the day before, "other." Ok, so he doesn't have the best words. At this point, that's the least of his crimes.
McConnell's latest "
Kinsley gaffe" inspired some bitter glee. Stephen Colbert, who with the pancake tag has also dubbed him "Girth, Wind and Liar,"
played the clip: "Wow, how embarrassing. It came out exactly how he meant it." Mostly, it sparked fury, especially among people of color. Trending on
Twitter were
#MitchPlease - also #BitchPlease - and
#IAmAmerican, where countless people posted tender, potent, moving photos of husbands, children, cousins, grandkids, friends and dog to defiantly proclaim, "They're American." Also, "And they vote." There were many veterans in uniform: "23 years ago, I was as American as I am now," "No one questioned if I was an American when I served our great nation for 37 years," "I honorably served my country. Unlike Mitch, I'm not a racist shitweasel, I'm an American," "Grandpa WWll, dad Vietnam: Dad stopped by Baton Rouge cop with his draft card in hand, cop put billy club in his chest with 'Boy, you better not be here to vote,' dad said, 'No sir, I'm going to Vietnam." Natives posted: "American before America was America." Women posted:
"I am a triple threat - an informed black woman voter." There were photos of Tuskegee Airmen, Madame Vice-President, the great John Lewis, Capitol cop Eugene Goodman: "American." There was pitiless black history: "My African ancestors built this mf," "I am descended from kidnapped slaves," "My great-great-great-great grandfather born a freeman in 1800 was more American than Mitch McConnell," "I was born in America, I'm going to die in America, just as my slave ancestors did. Fuck you and the horse you rode in on," and, "I'm so
American I don't even know which part of Africa Mitch's ancestors stole mine from." Asked one woman, "When do we replace Mitch McConnell with an American?" Another nailed it: "I am American - whether you like it or not."